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Traditional Rifle WTB The Following Break Barrels!!

Classified Status


Jan 12, 2021
Ny, United States
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Hello all...like the title says wtb the following break barrels:
Looking for the original Beeman R9 Goldfinger .20 it was a combo with the Bushnell Banner 4 -12 × 40...they had the real nice darker stocks & Muzzle brake...please let me know ....

Next: Im Looking for an Air Arms Pro Elite .22 !!

Next: Looking for A Theoben Eliminator .25 with Laminate Stock...Not really interested in the Heydua Stock unless its got the nice tiger stripes!!

Last up: Theoben Crusador Preferably. 20 also Laminate stock....
Please show me what is out there...Thank you in advance!!