AGD/Iraqveteran8888 AirForce Texan Review Collaboration ***NEW CHRONY DATA***

Hey everyone, We have something that I'm really excited to share with you. Since SHOT show we have been working with Eric and Chad from Iraqveteran8888 on YouTube and we are nearing completion on a feature review of the AirForce Texan. Eric has one of the largest YouTube audiences within the gun world, and this review will really bridge the gap between Firearms and Airguns (as well as winning Eric over to Airguns!). The upcoming video will feature ballistics gel testing and some updated chrony data, as well as a lot of shooting that I think you will all really enjoy. Check out the "definitive guide to the AirForce Texan"that we have put together for a sneak peak at some of the chrony numbers Eric pulled, and a few photos from the video shoot. Just click on the link and then click the box labled "Iraqveteran8888 Preview Review" The video should be live and will be on our definitive guide page in just a few days. We think you'll really enjoy seeing what the Texan can do! Texans should be shipping early next month!

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