Theoben SLR / Leupold EFR (classic combo)

Just put Leupold EFR (with Alumina covers) on my Theoben SLR... handsome combo? :D


So beautiful and apparently functional! Why no company hasn’t bought the rights & simply started to produce the whole line of Theobens is beyond me?? Recently I’ve wanted to buy a carbine gas ram (have the HW90), but only found the bsa grt lightning interesting in looks and potential accuracy. Gamo told me they’ve discontinued it:(. So who makes anything like the Theobens? Air gun technology may be evolving, but on the gas ram note I’d say it’s de-volving ! Take another look at that picture! Wow! Leaps and bounds over present day plastic baffled synthetic stock, yank & shank the shot gas rams. Deflated but IMPRESSED!! Thanks for showing:)