Avoid Classifieds Scams

It is the buyers and seller's responsibility to decide whether or not the other party is trustworthy. Most scammers target WTB ads and operate via Private Message, but some also post publicly. AGN has provided you with several tools to help research Members.

Researching a Member and Safe Practices

  1. Visit the Seller or Buyers Profile to view their: Posts, Reaction score, Activity, and Feedback Stats. Please note - All Member Feedback prior to June 8th 2022 can be found by using the Search feature (Search > Search titles only > Members name > look for threads with the Feedback prefix). Member feedback after June 8th 2022 can be found directly within the Members profile > Feedback Stats.
  2. Search the list below
  3. Ask the seller to provide a picture of themselves with the item they have for sale, and a handwritten note that says "For Sale on AGN with the date".
  4. Talk to the Seller or Buyer on the phone. If the Seller or Buyer only wishes to deal via email, refuses to provide personal information, refuses to talk on the phone, refuses to share unique pictures, and/or insists paying via Friends & Family only, etc. then you should heed the warning signs.
  5. High dollar items should require an adult signature upon delivery!

It's important that everyone does their due diligence prior to engaging in any transaction. Remember if something smells fishy, then it probably is. Should you run into any questionable characters, please notify a Moderator/Administrator immediately.

***EXTREME CAUTION should be used when dealing with anyone from OHIO, see Anthony Jarvis below***

-Airgun Nation

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