Recent content by 0akhonor

  1. 0akhonor

    New pistol from FX, whaddya guys think?

    This is definitely on my "well let's wait till somebody else buys one and see how it works out" FX list. Want one badly but not badly enough to go through the teething pains...
  2. 0akhonor

    Crosman Crosman 38-T

    In 1974, i picked up a .38T in .22 cal. In my part of Illinois, there are old growth woods backing up to the Fox river. We weren't supposed to be back there, but we didn't make eye contact w other adults and did our thing. Tree squirrels might absorb 6 shots in the winter time- we knew to keep...
  3. 0akhonor

    Concord Ca FT Match 1/19/2025

    A better group of shooters you cannot find- both in skill and personality. Id come out just to hang with yall!
  4. 0akhonor

    Concord Ca FT Match 1/19/2025

    Hard to type "2025" but it's also hard to put all those zero's after the number 7 when going to Taco Bell... we had a foggy start to our valley shoot at United Sportsmen today. We took our time setting up as the range needed to clear a little before we felt we could start projecting pellets...
  5. 0akhonor

    New Years Eve NIGHT Match, Dec 31st ( of course) Concord Ca

    Awesome pictures everyone! Scott had the best dressed rifle award but the newlyweds were the cutest couple of the evening! We had a mother and daughter team ( daughter squeaked out a win on the last two lanes) a father and son shooting separately... we had a diverse group! I stitched a bunch of...
  6. 0akhonor

    RESULTS!!! Airgun FT Match Concord CA 12/15/24

    For all our jokes about Jim, he really works hard out there. Between complaining about not having enough targets and then complaining about having to Cock his rifle for too many targets you can tell he's really enjoying himself.
  7. 0akhonor

    RESULTS!!! Airgun FT Match Concord CA 12/15/24

    as long as the tape doesn't get in the way of him "hot swapping" his scope(s) during the match! Why focus your parallax when you can just mount a new scope at the correct focal distance?
  8. 0akhonor

    New Years Eve NIGHT Match, Dec 31st ( of course) Concord Ca

    Hey if it keeps raining out here, there is a lake on the range you could still race your motors on!!!
  9. 0akhonor

    RESULTS!!! Airgun FT Match Concord CA 12/15/24

    You're ALLLLLLL invited!
  10. 0akhonor

    New Years Eve NIGHT Match, Dec 31st ( of course) Concord Ca

    Looking to have real good NY Eve's experience? How about coming out and shooting a complete Field Target match- in the dark? And starting early enough that you can get back home before the "Amateur's" start their elbow tossed driving antics? I'll start setup around 4:00 pm while we still have a...
  11. 0akhonor

    RESULTS!!! Airgun FT Match Concord CA 12/15/24

    Foggy, Cold, Sunny and an opportunity to shoot along side the newly crowned Veteran Springer World Champion, Son Liu in Concord. Pistols, Rifles and smiles everywhere. Son brought out his newly won uber PCP, remarking how much smoother this rifle shot over his diesel air pumper! Scores were fair...
  12. 0akhonor

    Airgun Technologies Can you swap calibers /barrels on the Uragan II?

    NOT recommended for everyone, but that UII will push a heavy pellet fast. .22 (and smaller pellets) have been often for pigs. You have to pick your shot, but you'll have to be careful with most airgun calibers (unless you go half inch or so in size) Look up "Nomadic Pirate" on the GTA- he's...
  13. 0akhonor

    Concord CA Field Target Match Results Nov 17th, 2024

    I hadn't noticed Gabriel slipped out without posting his score- and we are planning on making next month "pistol friendly" - good time to try a springer or shoot sub 12ft/lbs if'n one doesn't have one...
  14. 0akhonor

    Concord CA Field Target Match Results Nov 17th, 2024

    Added the scores below- 62 possible
  15. 0akhonor

    Concord CA Field Target Match Results Nov 17th, 2024

    With the Worlds Event taking place this weekend, we didn't expect a big turnout today, but we were pleasantly surprised! New friends and old friends showed up in the cold bright morning. Maybe it was the calm weather or just we are in the lull between holidays, but it was great to have a good...