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  • MAGA my ass! The first and biggest problem are people who don't give a jolly ole damned about anything except themselves and why others won't hand everything to them on a silver platter. I'm mostly talking about my own family. I am in my 80s and my wife is not far behind. We have had to shovel our own snow twice today because our daughter and son-in-law are too busy thinking for themselves and their pets. We have 4 grand children (all young boys in 20s and 30s) who can't get off their lazy asses long enough to even consider someone might appreciate some help. What’s a family for anyways? Just a waste of good oxygen. In the mean while I’ll hire someone to come snow blow us out, because family is useless.

    End of rant.

    This is Dr. Phil McGraw! :LOL::ROFLMAO:

    Most times, we can't rely on folks to do the right thing and we sometimes have to swallow our pride and just come out and ask for help?
    In addition, they may have always known you to be a gidder done kind of guy and if things need to be done you have always relied on yourself?

    Now that you have hired someone to shovel, did you offer to pay your grand kids first? The reason I ask, your grand kids might have come out and offered to do it for free and were totally unaware that their granddad is now in need of help????

    Something to ponder!
    I am not happy about how my own family treat the elderly, that be my little sister and her 3 children.
    Now i visit my mother 2 times a week, to do some shopping ASO for her, i have even been pushed wayyyyy past my boundaries and had to change her diapers.
    Now my sister like me do live a 40 min or so drive away, but her oldest daughter live just 5 minutes away, but they only visit the old lady once every 2 months or so.
    Today as i left mom gave me a scare, so i said " i will see you Saturday when i get back " and she said " yes if i am here at that time "

    I am personally very very happy i have not fathered any children, and have a lifetime of practice in being alone, CUZ there is no doubt i will die alone too, not that i would want anyone there to hold my hands or such, i think death like so many other things, like getting a phone call is a private thing.

    I am no spring chick myself, but there will be no elderly people lacking anything when i am around, so i assist where i can, and if there is a need some day with someone bothering a elderly, well we will just have to see in my flying double drop kick still work, and if i can land it without breaking something myself.,

    I am still ashamed that when a kit there was a little old lady living at the forst floor where we lived on the 2, and there was 3 floors in total so 6 apartments, well no one noticed little old Miss Sorensen having been dead for weeks.
    That kind little old lady deserved more. :oops:

    How people / societies treat elderly - sick and animals in major gauges for me on how to respond to those / that person
    just one word..dissapointing,sorry I wish I was close.
    Just sitting here watch geese fly in formation. And did you ever why one side of the V is usually longer than the other side?

    There's more geese on the long side!
    I was glassing some squirrels this morning and caught a formation of about 8-9 geese flying (I assumed they were geese). One side of the "V" was longer than the other. I never wondered why. I was trying to observe how they conserve energy flying so close to one another. I noticed one trying to glide a bit while the others flapped to a beat I could not hear.
    Indeed, i think the long " arm " would indicate the down wind direction.
    I'm just curious… who was the first person to look at a split open oyster and think "what a nice piece of snot! I'll bet that tastes delicious!"?
    Happy birthday to me. Bought myself a new carry knife — a Protech Godson with Olive wood trim and 154CM steel. I put my own polished edge on it with my Wicked Edge sharpener.

    High end Knives collection. I added another Protech to my high end knife collection. I collect limited run Zero Tolerance, Rick Hinderer XM-18 series and Protech (primarily non-automatics). Today I added a Malibu Bronze Custom with Magnacut Wharncliffe blade and mother of pearl push button lock. These have been out of production for quite a while and I found one tucked away in a local shop. It's the gold colored one on the top in the picture below.


    The middle one is a DLT Trading exclusive edition "fish scale" textured handle, reverse Tanto blade in M390 steel and plain button lock.

    The bottom one is my only auto Protech — the Tactical Response-2 with textured handles and Magnacut steel blade.
    If laziness was an Olympic sport I'd try to come in fourth so I wouldn't have to walk up to receive an award!
    Air is quite smokey here in Michigan from Canadian wildfires. Might need to retire to basement and shoot air pistols!
    • Love
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    Got a good respirator and the particulate filters for it?

    Might interfere with cheek weld, but an air pistol???
    They call them “wild” fires, but many are “fires” set by “people”... Maybe “wild people“?🙀🤓🙈
    DRY! We haven't had appreciable rain all May. I spend every other day — all day — watering! Lawn, gardens, planters. We need rain — and not a gully washer! We need slow rain all day.
    OK, so how do birds do this? Shelter over window and through the screen.

    • Haha
    Reactions: iAMzehTOASTY1
    You was probably dive bombed.
    At my friends place ( little old former farm ), as soon as he open just about anything, swallows sweep in and think they have a place to build a nest, his 2 dogs ( rottweiler and rottweiler MIX ) go ballistic when a birt come into the house.

    Also, some birds can aim their poop in directions other than straight down. Never get near a higher cormorant even if it is several feet off to the side from you! And...their oily fish poop takes multiple washings to get out. Nasty stuff. Yes, they aim with purpose.
    They squirt... you knew that you just forgot. ;)
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