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Viewing thread Athlon Talos 10x42

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  • I don’t need my camera to notify me a squirrel is at the feeder anymore. She locks on

    There is nothing better than a terror for small vermin!!!!!!Squirrel be ware... I have a mountain first she is hard on vermin....

    This is our old boy Jasper, he’s a mix terrier. Unfortunately he doesn’t like the air rifles so he doesn’t participate with Jetty.

    Man he is just like my Lilly..She is terrified of.guns also...But she will tolerate a well moderated air rifle..I picked her up.as a stray when I lived in Southern WV...The locals told me she was a fiest cur mix..25 lbs...She is the best hunting dog I ever had..Squirrel, rabbits,mice,moles, and when she young she even ran bears with her mixed breed companion.. Also can ride quad,kayak, tractor,and loader...Airgun s made Lilly happy and I have a hunting companion. I'm sure she was discarded for being gun shy...In the region they pay top dollar for hunting dogs...But the fate of gun shy dogs is a reality...
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