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  • just wondering, I found the map of airgun people and it's not correct for where I live, maybe someone can tell me how to fix it.. also would be nice to get a locals conversation going and see what others are doing in our area.. I've never imagined that there might actually be people in the same state even.. I thought we were spread out states apart..
    please respond of you are anyway close and maybe we could get a conversation going..
    Mark Hooper
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    Reactions: iAMzehTOASTY1
    I just looked at the map and it shows two people in my zip code area. I'm not one of them, probably because when I entered my state I didn't name a town. Maybe this is why your info isn't what you expected to see?
    I did put in the state and town but I didn't see a address spot and I am 12 miles out of town.. but I guess at least it's close..
    are you in my area??
    No, I’m in CO.
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