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  • Al(oletomcat) would like a list of who is going to attend the Fall Classic funshoot so that he can plan the food accordingly. Either let him know through the link on the agn calendar or drop me a message.
    Just bumping this up. Not sure if it actually is getting the word out or if it should go under "General."
    What are you BUMPing up exactly?
    The info I posted before. Or at least that's what I thought I was doing. Don't really know if it has been seen or not. I didn't even know you had commented until looking just now. Still trying to figure out how this works.
    Not sure if this will work, but here goes.

    For the last few years a group of us have been holding monthly funshoots.
    Not everyone is on all the various forums, FB, or other sites, so I am posting the main link to our little gathering here for this forum.

    The current dates are posted at the end of the thread.
    Everyone is invited and those who wish to attend may either make contact through that thread or message me here.
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