Recent content by Dirtydrywaller

  1. Dirtydrywaller

    All Things PARD Night Vision & Thermal Optics - Master Thread

    Hi Do any or all of the pard thermal front clip ons fit or come with an adapter for a 8/24/56 scope. I've searched and read the product descriptions on them but am not finding any concrete answers. Thanks for any replies.
  2. Dirtydrywaller

    All Things PARD Night Vision & Thermal Optics - Master Thread

    Sorry if this has been asked a billion times, this is a long thread to search thru. Will the pards hook up to the end of scopes correctly that have a illumination switch on the end. See picture, thank you !
  3. Dirtydrywaller

    Help picking an element optics scope for a fx m3 under $500

    Hi I did go ahead and get the athlon argos Gen 2 , 8x34x56. I did however have to get adjustable scope rings to go along with it. I had it out in the yard today at 80 feet and it was wonderful. I have diabetes related eye problems but everything seemed really clear for me on this scope, and it...
  4. Dirtydrywaller

    What did you order / receive airgun related today? Thread

    This week I received Saber tactical upper and lower rails. Eaglevision 30 mm adjustable scope rings. Athlon argos btr Gen 2 8x34x56 scope. I also got a good deal on a msa scba tank.150 bucks.
  5. Dirtydrywaller

    Help picking an element optics scope for a fx m3 under $500

    I want to make this rifle into a bench rest target rifle. There is a airgun range opening up here in the dallas area in September that plans to have tourneys. I'd also like to take a shot at some pigs on my bosses ranch.
  6. Dirtydrywaller

    Help picking an element optics scope for a fx m3 under $500

    Hi I have a 500 dollar credit at airgun depot and need a scope for an fx impact. I'm new to scopes but have read element optics are a good choice in scopes. Can I get your opinions please.
  7. Dirtydrywaller

    new to the group

    Well she does let me live in her nice house and feeds/walks my dog for me lol.
  8. Dirtydrywaller

    new to the group

    Thanks for the welcome everyone.
  9. Dirtydrywaller

    Ozzy shooting pcps

    He got fired way way back and they were all on dope. Ozzy was completely fine back in the 90s, no signs of drug induced problems other than being an addict. It wasn't until he was injured and went on pain meds that he was a basket case walking around like a mummy.
  10. Dirtydrywaller

    Ozzy shooting pcps

    That's not from drugs and booze. He has Parkinsons or similar and I think he broke his neck or back on a 4 wheeler.
  11. Dirtydrywaller

    new to the group

    Hello I had a bad start a couple weeks back with a defective notos, bad orings and missing parts but got it straightened out. My gf has taken a liking to the notos , i can tell because she says whay are you shooting my rifle lol. So I thought I would 1 up her and get my own rifle , another one...
  12. Dirtydrywaller

    notos problems

    hi firewalker, i did send the gun back for a replacement and would like to take you up on a replacement pack of seals for the notos is you have them available. i cant pm you on account i dont have the post count and time needed on the forum to do so. also im wondering what your backlog on...
  13. Dirtydrywaller

    notos problems

    Yes I hate being an idiot about stuff when you are first starting out in a hobby and have to rely on salesmen or a paper pusher for advice. Thats why i came here, i knew i just had to ask the people that own and shoot em to get a good answer. thanks.