
Hi there, my name is Andre, 66 years old and enjoying my retirement now. I've been working for several employers, and the first one was at the police force where I learned how to shoot. After that I've been working for SKF and ended with Dow Chemical as a rotating engineer. Just started shooting again, a friend of mine came to visit and he had bought an FX Crown. So we went shooting and that's when the virus kicked in again.
Now I'm the proud owner of an FX Wildcat MKIII, and am enjoying this PCP very much. So nowadays I'm spending time on the shooting range again. Got some more hobbies, like fishing, metal-detecting, photography, mobilhome, golf and ham radio, (PA2DRE) basically retirement is like heaven for me, finally there is time to enjoy doing all this!!!!

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Sep 2, 1957 (Age: 67)
Location (City, State, Country)
Terneuzen, Zeeland, Netherlands
André Janse

Also find me here
