Recent content by hesse_96

  1. hesse_96

    Classified Ads You Waited and LOST On

    There's definitely been a few, and I know I'll miss more. Currently not able to use the classifieds yet since I haven't yet had my 10 meaningful posts. That's totally fine though. And I'm sure whenever it is I hit that number there will plenty more on the classifieds for me to him and haw over lol.
  2. hesse_96

    N/A Recommendations on short range PCPs

    Think the full size rifle or the marauder pistol?
  3. hesse_96

    N/A Recommendations on short range PCPs

    Thank you so much. I honestly would have never thought of these. Going to have to look into them 👍
  4. hesse_96

    N/A Recommendations on short range PCPs

    I would say budget would be 1500 or under, sound isn't too much of a concern, and I'd rather it be a .22 or .177. If I could find a lelya 2.0, I would scoop it up but from my looking around it doesn't look like you can even get one from a retailer anymore.
  5. hesse_96

    N/A Recommendations on short range PCPs

    The quest to fill out the personnal airgun collection never ends... I've given myself a stipulation that I will not buy a full size full power airgun until I am able to buy one off the classifieds. Nothing wrong with that, gets me talking to like minded individuals in the community! With all...
  6. hesse_96

    Is Your Spouse/Partner involved in the hobby?

    This story starts with a visit to my local airgun shop, Trenier Outdoors in Sparta, Wisconsin. I was mainly there to just chat and catch up with the owner and see if he had anything interesting for sale. He brought out one of his own guns that he had had for several years and was ready to part...