Recent content by HeyU

  1. HeyU

    Hatsan Maybe AGN can help me get a certain airrifle.

    I checked Krale,no luck there.
  2. HeyU

    FX Are expensive PCPs worth it?

    Not not really, My 22cal Hatsan Fl ashpup can kick a$$ . Keep it simple brother. No r egret.
  3. HeyU

    Hatsan Maybe AGN can help me get a certain airrifle.

    Hi AGN, It's been a bit. I have a 22cal Hatsan Flashpup bolt action I bought 5+ years ago. Great gun,zero problems except for the magazines. witch is not a problem for me. So,,,Hatsan has came out with an upgraded version of the Flashpup . A Flashpup S version.A Side lever. And I would really...
  4. HeyU

    New here looking for some advice

    Just so u know. The pellets impact will be louder than the rifle. How r u going fill it with air? Hand pump or air-compressor?
  5. HeyU

    Why? I try to post something and the thread darkens.

    The post darkens and won't post, It's not like it's mis-information.
  6. HeyU

    Other New guy looking for recommendations

    Go with a Hatsan Flash or Flashpup. 22cal. A Hawke AirMax 2-7x32 scope. A Yong Hen? compressor," Walmart guarantee". Work with that for a couple of years and then re-assess. You may see the light and invest in German spring air-rifles. A whole other level of the hobby.
  7. HeyU

    Beeman How old is your R9/HW95?

    I bought an R-9 22cal from Flying Dragons.In 2021-2022? I've seen AEAC videos. And in 1 he described the sound of the cocking action as a clean,smooth fast "snick". That's exactly what I experienced. Absolutely my favorite 22cal spring air rifle.
  8. HeyU

    Advice needed on caliber selection

    Where do u think lead comes from? They dig up thousands of tons of it around the world! Right across the southern border for an example. And your worried about a few grains that may end up weighing a couple pounds. Go eat some more krale. It won"t help but you can smile.
  9. HeyU

    Cheaper bullpup options other than the FX Impact M4 Compact in .22?

    No qualms at all in recommending the Hatsan Flashpup 22cal. 1/2' groups out to 50 yds. JSB Hades and JSB 18gr pellets. I want the Hatsan Flashpup MKII in .177 but I can't get it here. It's a little rough to start out with but soon smooths out. She's a natural.
  10. HeyU

    Hawke Airmax

    I have 4 AMX,s on my springers for 5? years now . No problems. The reticle really works for me. They are a bit thin and can get lost in dark foilage. But I got use to that. I even have one on my PCP. I like the reticle that much. I use the 3-7x32 mostly. ( works for me out 65yds ) I put a 10 X...
  11. HeyU

    Springer Scopes

    I 3rd it.
  12. HeyU

    N/A H&N 4.50, 4.51, 4.52 ?? I don’t know which to choose

    The only answer is ,you have to buy all three. My HW50 likes H&N FTT in 4.51 and the Baracuda Match 4.50. The Baracuda,s grouped better but just barely. Buy 3 get 1 free at Pyramid Air,use their code at checkout, that'll save a little. PA packs their pellets the best. That's important since tins...
  13. HeyU

    If you could design your own PCP...

    My thoughts are very similar to steve123.
  14. HeyU

    do you see what i see?

    JSB Magnum ?
  15. HeyU

    Newbie self introduction

    That's a tough one lol. HW50s in .177 cal. is lighter and easier to cock, shoots flatter within 25 yds. The R9 in 22cal is heavier and a little stiffer to cock,has a little more knock down smack, and is less hold sensitive due to it's weight. I'd have to pick the HW50s