Recent content by intenseaty22

  1. intenseaty22

    EDgun PSA: New OG Leshiy Barrels available

    If you are looking for Leshiy 1 350mm barrels, Airgun Heaven has them. They don’t have .35 or .177, but they have the ol’ Dirty .30 Cal !
  2. intenseaty22

    HW30 Woes

    Totally different animal. The HW-30 can be done pretty much by hand when you are used to it. The 95 is a bit tougher. Look on YT for ideas that may appeal to you. You can use different methods to build a simple clamp that allows you to keep the spring compressed while removing/installing the pins.
  3. intenseaty22

    This is a VITAL thread

    This one took a JSB 8.44gr Diabolo from my Sub-12 Revere at 33 yards. It literally stayed in place, maybe walked a few inches off. It was a complete pass though as well.
  4. intenseaty22

    This is a VITAL thread

    That’s Awesome Expansion right there! Even though I absolutely LOVE my Sub-12s, I, unfortunately don’t own any “full power” .177s. That hopefully will change soon enough!
  5. intenseaty22

    This is a VITAL thread

    I will have to chrono and see, not quite sure about speed. I tested for accuracy only. Generally speaking I will default to the most accurate ammo. In the case of the Revere, that’s the 8.44 Diabolo, probably just as deadly, but on vitals, something that tears up flesh or expands, is...
  6. intenseaty22

    This is a VITAL thread

    Generally speaking, I consider Vitals a shot to the lung/heart cavity. However….a shot just below the diaphragm can be a Liver Shot, which technically is still a vitals shot. On a squirrel, the liver literally runs the whole length of the diaphragm. I usually aim for the shoulder when taking a...
  7. intenseaty22

    This is a VITAL thread

    Another one today. 28 yards to the Pecan Tree. Sub-12 Revere in .177 shooting JSB 10gr Knockout MK2. Yes! Slugs out of a Sub-12! It shoots them very accurately. Hit just behind the shoulder, it ran like a banshee after jumping down the tree, and up a bush 3 yards away, and onto the workshop...
  8. intenseaty22

    Keep it Clean! With Ballistol (& Giveaway)

    OK! I actually ran 3 numbers and picked 3 winners!! @bivy53 @Bigragu from AGN & @markhutchingson1973 from YouTube are the 3 winners! Please note, @Bigragu is a personal friend of mine but he won fair and square. There was no bias, but damn he’s one lucky SOB! Anyway, please PM me your...
  9. intenseaty22

    Keep it Clean! With Ballistol (& Giveaway)

    I will be doing the drawing sometime soon and will post results. Keep any eye out. If the winner is from AGN I will send you a PM as well. I also have some entries from YT so it may not be any of you 😂 Good Luck!
  10. intenseaty22

    Keep it Clean! With Ballistol (& Giveaway)

    Maybe in Europe they do, but the reps here in the states didn’t really have Airguns as part of their world if you will. Nice guys, but I think they are not “Ballistol” per se, but rather reps only. When I told them about airguns, it clicked right away as in Aha!
  11. intenseaty22

    Keep it Clean! With Ballistol (& Giveaway)

    Enter a number! You never know!!
  12. intenseaty22

    Keep it Clean! With Ballistol (& Giveaway)

    Yeah, me too! Smells good 😊
  13. intenseaty22

    Keep it Clean! With Ballistol (& Giveaway)

    Oh, for sure! For me it was backwards, I didn’t know you could clean other stuff besides Airguns with it. 😂
  14. intenseaty22

    Keep it Clean! With Ballistol (& Giveaway)

    Feel free to leave your guess in the comments below or on the comments to the video itself on YouTube.
  15. intenseaty22


    I saw that on IG, been meaning to watch it, just been super busy lately, but it’s on my “Watch Later” on YT RTI Arms MORA