Recent content by JEFFPPC

  1. J

    N/A Trick shot with the Diana 54

    One huge thing that's is over looked is this. It's one thing to shoot a tiny group. It's a whole nother thing to place a shot exactly where you need to. I always thought in the group shooting game there should either a penalty for every shot out of the 10 ring, or a bonus for everyone with...
  2. J

    Pellet question

    Buy you pellets from Pyrmid Air, they are shipped properly packaged and this will not be an issur.
  3. J

    N/A Trick shot with the Diana 54

    It's a beast in .22 but I love it. Had not shot it in a couple months do yesterday I took to the range with a new Sightron I had just mounted . Zero took 4 shots then I shot 3 five shoot groups at 23yds. All groups well under a dime. There was an empty 9mm case on one of the benches. I said I...
  4. J

    Classified section

    Biggest problesm I see with pics are....Background too cluttered, glare from the lighting, putting the item on a similarly colored background. Upside down? If your a computer nerd and it bothers you turn it to your liking. Ups down, left, right........inside out.....
  5. J

    Classified section

    Read post #12.
  6. J

    HW/Weihrauch Hw77 Mk1 done today.

    And there is your 1000 yard range. I am officially jealous, lol. Nice view
  7. J

    Light trigger...prove it.

    They don't talk back.
  8. J

    HW/Weihrauch Probably my personal best 25 yard springer group.

    Very good shooting. You know what your doing.
  9. J

    Other The elusive LGU

    I recently bought a LGU. Very nice rifle, enjoyable to shoot. Heavier that my TX. I have read the factory triggers left a lot to be desired. Mine has been replaced, still a tad heavier than I have my TX set. Is it more accurate than my TX? No. As accurate, probably but I have around 50,000...
  10. J

    Light trigger...prove it.

    If you really want the truth you use dead weight.
  11. J

    Anschutz Anschutz LG380

    Nitrocrsher starts with beautiful rifles. Then he makes them shoot like that. End results, rifles we all crave. He is a craftsman and a good guy.Thanks for sharing. Oh, if they aren't pretty when he gets them, he remedies that also.
  12. J

    N/A My best 23 yard good.

    Most are afraid to try. I shoot my Diana 54 in .22 at 100. Goal is 5 shots at 1 inch. I have had back to back 1.5. I have had 4 cutting a hole several times but also 1 2 to 3 inches away. Tough to get conditions that will work. Come summer I will get to an old quarry, set up before daylight and...
  13. J

    N/A My best 23 yard good.

    Those 10.3s shoot pretty good in all my rifles. We had two 50 yd matches last fall , it was windy and switchy for both of them. I switched to them from the 8.3s in my TX and won both matches. When my trigger finger and t.he flags were in sync they found the half inch 10 ring pretty often...
  14. J

    N/A My best 23 yard good.

    Ha, yes that's the shot. But nice 72 yard group.I shoot centerfire benchrest and the secret isn't getting that super tight group as much as avoiding groups referred to as 'trainwrecks'. Pretty rifle, how about a full lemght picture.
  15. J

    What do you like most about airgunning?

    I shoot centerfield benchrest. But no reloading and very minimal cleaning. Love it.