
50, crazy to some. Honest to all but not built for praise nor popularity but sincere service to my ethics and beliefs. Avid air gunner that enjoys relationships over stuff since we are stuck w stuff…I can flee from you and vice versa. You can leave me while I am stuck w me is the extent of my understanding and tolerance. Known to bark a lot and rarely bite….so if I have to I’m quick to admit I might enjoy taking a chomp of that which I cannot avoid further. I love AGN and most I’ve dealt w here as I also can be shallow, close minded and boastful which I am trying to do away with so please forgive me and I promise I will do the same. That said to those that abuse and exploit others good faith and trust….I will not forget but will forgive while learning never and done son. Live and let live while hunting for those that prey on the weak, honoring strength God given to shield and defend those who cannot is the pinnacle of power…that’s why it cannot rest nor last in one hand. Born into Sun Tzu’s art of war raised now from the dead by the Bible… hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah may God bless every eye that reads this.

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Virginia, United States
Keahi Lum Ho
