Recent content by Motorhead

  1. Motorhead

    Let’s see them work benches

    Virgin work space .... Huh ?
  2. Motorhead

    Tuning Thrust bearing

    If spring is allowed to rotate the entire time the last bit of stroke where spring grabs onto guide any torque present has the other end rotate. Ideally and in most designs the spring can rotate at both ends so stoppage at one end ( Guide as your stating ) it still is a non issue. If the spring...
  3. Motorhead

    Tuning Thrust bearing

    Ideally ... Think Chinese finger trap. As you cock rifle the spring coils open up slightly under compression and drag is no longer present on guide. When discharging the same having free motion just until piston is about to bottom out the coils come back into contact with guide and put on the...
  4. Motorhead

    Let’s see them work benches

    Just a corner or say a wall, small machine shop is around the "other" corner :LOL:
  5. Motorhead

    Tuning Thrust bearing

    When teaching mechanics around spring tech a simple question asked is WHAT IS A COIL SPRING ? .... in 4 words or less :unsure: Answer ... "Radially Wound Torsion Bar" How do torsion bars work ? ... They rotate down there length storing and compressing motion energy wanting to return to a...
  6. Motorhead

    Tuning Thrust bearing

    To take this a bit deeper .... It is not the rotation of spring when it can do so freely threw out its stroke travel, it just winds up and unwinds freely .... IT IS WHEN the friction at either end of spring allows rotational tension to build up due to a LACK OF rotation that at some point breaks...
  7. Motorhead

    Tuning Thrust bearing

    The rifles Torque motion comes from the springs rotational mass being in motion having nothing to do with some mechanical force in play. We need to agree to disagree here as we both seem to know or think they know something the other is not realizing :rolleyes:
  8. Motorhead


    Just understand this about ANY and ALL high pressure breathing air bottles ... The SCBA tanks have a 15 year life span for any commercial filling station & in that a 5 year required hydrostat test requirement. Either if expired 15 years in total from Mfg date or past 5 yr hydro they will not...
  9. Motorhead

    Tuning Thrust bearing

    Yup ... and why we professional tuners after grind flattening foot accurately, also place a small bevel on the coil end so it DOES NOT dig in and gouge surface it rotates against ;) (y)
  10. Motorhead

    Tuning Thrust bearing

    Don't agree in fashion shown ... If friction at spring ends is so high spring can't twist when compressed very little will be noted. Now flat surface lapp all the washers at each end, apply a heavy moly lube to allow easier high torque rotation and try it again ? As a note of HISTORY past ...
  11. Motorhead

    Tuning Paul Watts

    Education of the "WHY" specific tricks in tuning are applied or not applied is far more important to understand than a blanket set of "Do this or that" generic guidelines. Statements of non rotating pistons or seals as "Bad" design is simply not true and require there own little tricks to keep...
  12. Motorhead

    Belleville washers orientation and adjustment screw

    Set Point creep has absolutely NOTHING to do with bevel washer orientation/s. Creep happens when the seats sealing surfaces Don't Seal. This can be from minor flaws on either side of the sealing margin, debris on this margin or a micro scratch or dent from what was there and now blown off &...
  13. Motorhead

    Theoben Rapid MK2 mods

    Forgot you were fast flow ( Non Regged ) .... yea a bit of power as the "Free Flow" to get from bottles volume to the valve feeding the shot is still somewhat throttled by the smallest passage getting there. As you were good man .... Rainy day here thinking out loud and not thinking that hard...
  14. Motorhead

    Field Target is an arms race.

    Exactly .... The "LUCK" lye's in that your educated guess in correction other than straight on is better than the others your shooting against !! Luck is for the unprepared willing to expect good result .... it fostered the Cliche of "Dumb Luck"
  15. Motorhead

    Tuning Thrust bearing

    Issue by design is this ... Because these are designed for light thrust loads and "DUE TOO" the rolling pins being a constant diameter end to end, as they are rolled they would roll straight ahead, but are housed in a retainer to hold a position forced to roll ahead on a radius. The pins as...