Recent content by Opfor

  1. Opfor

    PCP Rifle Blackarts FX Maverick Barrel Band

    This listing has been renewed
  2. Opfor

    PCP Rifle Blackarts FX Maverick Barrel Band

    This listing has been renewed
  3. Opfor

    PCP Rifle Blackarts FX Maverick Barrel Band

    Purchased this new and used only a few times. I paid around $56 after taxes and shipping, will sell for $40 shipped. Still have original sticker and bag.
  4. Opfor

    Tuning FX Wildcat and Maverick owners....what's your TUNE in .22?

    Good data, thanks for sharing!
  5. Opfor

    Tuning FX Wildcat and Maverick owners....what's your TUNE in .22?

    That video you sent was FANTASTIC! I finally understand now what tuning to the "knee" is as well. I've read the instructions for doing this and heard it spoken but by him putting it into a graph really helped to drive it home, thanks for sharing that. Finally received my pellets and worked on...
  6. Opfor

    Avenge X internal baffle pellet strike

    Believe it was inside the shroud at the end of the barrel. I sent this back the next day and don't recall much about where it all was now. I honestly didn't even know there was something like that in there until my pellets were not coming out and things were rattling inside. I moved over to FX...
  7. Opfor

    Tuning FX Wildcat and Maverick owners....what's your TUNE in .22?

    That is exactly what I'm noticing with this wildcat as well. With power wheel on 7 I'm shooting the 25.4s between 896-900 so is this what we would call a low ES (I'm still learning the lingo). When I change over to 18.13s and power wheel down to 3 the ES is all over the place, anywhere from 850...
  8. Opfor

    Tuning FX Wildcat and Maverick owners....what's your TUNE in .22?

    Thanks for your perspective on this. Pretty much where I'm headed also with the 25.4. You posted a nice read on another post about tuning with regards to adjusting the hammer spring. I copied and printed to keep for reference ;). What all do you shoot?
  9. Opfor

    Tuning FX Wildcat and Maverick owners....what's your TUNE in .22?

    Sounds like a good plan and exactly what I'm waiting on now. Have suspended all tuning until those 25.4s come in, hopefully today. Will take a look at the video. Thanks for posting.
  10. Opfor

    Tuning FX Wildcat and Maverick owners....what's your TUNE in .22?

    I have the slug side down so more air goes in. So I have been working with the 18.13gr FX because I'm out of the 25.4 grain, suppose to have those today but all the snow we had last week has delayed those from arriving. Also to confirm, do not be on power wheel 4 trying to adjust with the...
  11. Opfor

    Tuning FX Wildcat and Maverick owners....what's your TUNE in .22?

    Yes, I did go thru last week and found that the barrel was loose at the transfer port. I did a small amount of blue loc tite to keep that from happening again. Went out and found the groups seemed to be doing really well as far as being tight and no POI moving about. Today seems like that has...
  12. Opfor

    Tuning FX Wildcat and Maverick owners....what's your TUNE in .22?

    I have been moving it and I still have not found that sweet spot yet, my fps seems to still be jumping around no matter how much or little I turn that macro. The frustrating part for me is that just when I THINK I have this thing dialed in and zeroed the groups will move and change, move to my 1...
  13. Opfor

    Tuning FX Wildcat and Maverick owners....what's your TUNE in .22?

    I did bump 1st stage to 135 and second to 110psi, doing some pretty good groups with 18grain FX on power wheel either 3 or 4 at around 900fps, but running low on 25 grain FX pellets and that is what I'm primarily wanting to zero in on. Suppose to have pellets today but UPS is still delayed with...
  14. Opfor

    Tuning FX Wildcat and Maverick owners....what's your TUNE in .22?

    I do appreciate your follow up and apology. Perhaps good tunes are guarded like a family secret recipe and meant never to be shared? As I mentioned earlier I'm new to the world of PCP and FX airguns and just trying to learn as much as I can on them, the way I learn is by asking questions. I just...