
Hi guys I'm new to the pcp air rifle thing, had 1 many years ago this was before they were good enough to hunt with, as you can see from my profile I live in Queensland Australia and have been working with a guy that's going to help set me up with the .25cal Benjamin Marauder, which from all reports and videos I've watched going to be great for hunting the 100kg plus wild pig's but what I'm needing at this moment is the exact specs of the barrel as this is the only thing this guy can't send me so I've bought a barrel blank and I'd like to make it a bit longer than standard so that my slugs/pellets retain more speed and accuracy for longer ,I used to own many standard firearms and used to re-load my own ammo which was at great cost for hunting so the appeal of air and lead for hunting for money, makes me feel like dirty Harry go ahead pig's make my

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Mar 9, 1975 (Age: 49)
Location (City, State, Country)
Dalby 4405 Queensland Australia
Pyro Burning
