Recent content by Pysiths

  1. Pysiths

    Impact mk2 leak

    Here is a YouTube link that might help. You got a bad o-ring on the valve housing
  2. Pysiths

    Brocock/BRK You're all time "go to" air rifle ?

    Between the 4 Impact and Urgana king. My original FX MK2, updated to a 500mm barrel, is still my go-to airgun.
  3. Pysiths

    FX .250 42gr H&N only going 700 fps

    What tranfer port are you using, slug or pellet marked on the barrel assembly. Check your probe and projectile for alignment \ cleance of the transfer port. I had my probe in my slug kit move causing the pellet/slug to partially cover the tranfer port.
  4. Pysiths

    Help with eagle vision mount..

    It's a yes and no anwser. It depends on the adjustability needed for mounting your optic. Info below was taken from their website. Minimal of 3 bolt in whatevery bolt hole position. 2. Adjustability: FULLY ADJUSTABLE, FORWARD or BACKWARD , ELEVATION, WINDAGE, EYE RELIEF AND HEIGHT...
  5. Pysiths

    Which oem Fx mod do you prefer

    Try lining the inner tube with 3M Scotch-Brite pads to quiet down the OEM moderator.
  6. Pysiths

    Riton sunshade thread dimensions

    I found it.
  7. Pysiths

    Riton sunshade thread dimensions

    I might have an extra 50mm Riton sunshade that you can have, just pay for shipment. I'll check later today to see if it is the right one.
  8. Pysiths

    Small + QUIET to kill rats at close range ?*?

    I picked up a Umarex HK HK416 BB gun for killing Rats in close quarters. It has 6-round bursts with a 36 BB magazine.
  9. Pysiths

    Impact M3 bottle on MKII

    Yes, You can put an M3 bottle on older impact but not the other way around.
  10. Pysiths

    FX Fx impact m4, why did they got rid of 1st reg?

    I got the M3 because of its capability of being filled to 300 bar when it's paired with the correct bottle.
  11. Pysiths

    Fx impact m3 or m4? If you're going to buy an impact?

    Is the M4 a 250 or 300 bar fill with the right bottle.
  12. Pysiths

    Pyramyd Air shipping times

    I'm a State away from Pyramyd Air and usually get packages from them within 2-3 days if there are no delays with the carrier.
  13. Pysiths

    Add a bipod to Umarex Notos?

    Got the Ted kit from pyrramydair, love it! and it's a great Kit
  14. Pysiths

    Why are scopes so expensive?

  15. Pysiths

    250 vs. 300 Bar Bottles

    I fill to 300 bars on my rated bottle with a reg at 170 bars. If you're running high reg pressure it's a must for shot count.