Recent content by Rallyshark

  1. Rallyshark

    Maverick .177 Porker Down

    Haha, I get ya. I think that's my 4th one with the .177, with them all being in the 150-200+lb range. I've taken quite a few using the same gun with a .30 barrel on it too. I actually like using the .177 the most. It is just a little death laser :D I've got a couple with .22 too, but with...
  2. Rallyshark

    Maverick .177 Porker Down

    Thanks man. The biggest issue with Alfa Precision barrels has never been price, rather it has been being able to get one here in the states. Given they are Russian made, it is quite an ordeal acquiring/paying for one. That has just gotten better though, they emailed me a month or two back and...
  3. Rallyshark

    Maverick .177 Porker Down

    Yeah, I've always used a piece of 3/4" MDF as my test media for a hog skull. I figure if my gun will punch throught that, it'll easily poke a hole in a hog's noggin. I've seen people kill them with guns that won't go through that, but I prefer to err on the side of more penetration. I won't...
  4. Rallyshark

    Maverick .177 Porker Down

    The barrel is a standards 12 groove. I think the fastest twist AP offers the polygon is 420mm(16.5"). That 370mm(14.6") AP barrel combo is still my favorite slug gun though :D
  5. Rallyshark

    FX Impact M3 versus FX Maverick

    I think Griffin lists it as .186 G1. I don't know what speed they got that BC at, but they are pretty slippery for an air gun slug :)
  6. Rallyshark

    FX Impact M3 versus FX Maverick

    You may be able to get the 23 grain. 177 slugs to 1100 fps, but it will not be easy. It definitely won't happen at 150 bar. I don't see a DRS making that kind of power with any usable shot count. It takes A LOT to push heavy .177 slugs that fast, due to the very small diameter the air has to...
  7. Rallyshark

    FX Impact M3 versus FX Maverick

    I have two Mavericks. One I use for pesting/target, and the other I use for super high power hunting. I use the high power setup for .30 and .177. It takes a lot to move those 23 grain .177 slugs. I have an Alfa Precision 370mm twist barrel fitted to my gun, and I shoot them in the...
  8. Rallyshark

    FX Impact M3 versus FX Maverick

    Those were the flat base 36 grain Griffins. This was a long time ago, and I've since switched to the 34 grain boattails(.218). They are just as accurate in the 960 fps range with my heavy liner. The accuracy holds as far as you can shoot with an air gun. I basically only shoot the Griffin...
  9. Rallyshark

    Tuning FX Maverick full beans!

    I don't, unfortunately. Everything I made for my gun was one off parts. I have a hard time making anything for myself. I only have a small crappy lathe, so everything I do is a pain in the arse, lol.
  10. Rallyshark

    Modded Maverick .30 dropped another porker!

    Actual footage of me dying, courtesy of my friends trail camera :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  11. Rallyshark

    Modded Maverick .30 dropped another porker!

    Thanks guys! All of you talking about loading him... well, I'm hurting today. I haven't tried that hard to do anything in a long time, and I'm sore all over. I need to get back into shape, lol. On a side note, you guys see that little doodad in the truck behind the hog with the yellow cable...
  12. Rallyshark

    Modded Maverick .30 dropped another porker!

    I was fortunate enough to get a another big hog with my Maverick last night! I was shooting 90 grain Griffin BT HP around 950 fps. I put it right in his temple at about 30 yards. That's the distance I zero at, and try to set up close that when hunting. He didn't take a step, and dropped in...
  13. Rallyshark

    Got a big doe with my Maverick and heavy lead!

    I was in a pop up blind that has been sitting there for couple of seasons. I always hunt ground blinds with my gun on a tripod, so I don't have to hold it the whole time. That way I can sit in my chair and be comfortable, until I need to take a shot. Sometimes, I do hunt on the ground outside...
  14. Rallyshark

    Got a big doe with my Maverick and heavy lead!

    Thanks again guys! Sorry, I forgot to mention the shot distance... It was only about 35 yards. I had some within 15 yards, but I was waiting on a shot at the larger one above. Thank goodness I had the wind blowing in the right direction. Fortunately, here in GA, you can hunt deer with air...
  15. Rallyshark

    Got a big doe with my Maverick and heavy lead!

    Thanks guys! I had hoped I'd be posting a buck picture, but I hear horns don't taste good anyway, lol. The place where I deer hunt is so over pressured, that the deer are completely nocturnal. Fortunately, my good friend let me hunt for a doe on his place to get some meat.