Recent content by Rawroots

  1. Rawroots

    GX-CS3-I question

    Try it on a different gun
  2. Rawroots

    N/A How are you guys cleaning your bores

    The foam tip has lasted for 20 barrels so far. Even if it gets a little tore up it still cleans.
  3. Rawroots

    N/A How are you guys cleaning your bores

    You won't find anything easier, use your favorite solvent lightly, simply use a paper towel to wipe/squeeze foam tip clean. Place rifle scope down, whip is stiff enough to get passed silencer if needed, can also work back and forth instead of single pass.
  4. Rawroots

    Boring and cold

    Boring and cold here in michigan, was walking from window to window day dreaming of springtime weather, spotted this owl , thought you guys may appreciate.
  5. Rawroots

    Air Arms would like to know - Do you remember your first air rifle?

    Don't remember butch but i do remember Radar.
  6. Rawroots

    Long shot, Dead squirrel with no penetration.

    Another explanation could be the pellet hit the control lever of an extraterrestrial orb, sending a high intensity vibrational frequency directly to this squirrels pituitary gland.
  7. Rawroots

    Bolt action Hatsans not so good.

    Own lots of hatsans, never jam. Pellets that have a small center dia gives other brands a intermittent problem.
  8. Rawroots

    Retrieving Frenchi

    I just had to brag up my lap dog Luna, she had brought the last 3 chipmunks i shot out of the brush, and dropped them at my feet, never in my 67 years had a dog that would do that.
  9. Rawroots

    Dead Chicken

    I don't know what happens when chickens find pellets, but i just found out what happens when they swallow empty 22lr casings, dead chicken. Now i guess i should look for a used metal detector, do they work on brass???
  10. Rawroots

    Other Big bore airgun accuracy

    This is what helped me, my 30 cals were not even reasonably accurate, found that tables used were most the problem, didn't affect smaller calibers but the 30 were degrading, to check now i have the rifle on a rest or bag and tap the rear top of stock and watch the end of barrel wobble, move the...
  11. Rawroots

    Yong Heng cooling help.....

    Sure, put it on this post if you could
  12. Rawroots

    extremely sad news today

    Ask a buddy to keep their eyes peeled for what you've been interested in, have him send a text with pic, that way your not totally missing out.
  13. Rawroots

    Good Humor, what have you got.

    Sounds like CIA, Alphabet org, HOME SECURITY court hearings.
  14. Rawroots

    Good Humor, what have you got.

    Tears are running down my cheeks from laughing.