Recent content by RobBonnell89

  1. RobBonnell89

    Veyron sale

    Good looking out 🤘. Those veyrons are great Compact scopes. I’m going to check out what else they got. Oh just an FYI, last time I ordered from vector on AliExpress. I got my scope in like 3/4 days. 💪
  2. RobBonnell89

    Lesson learned, buyer beware bargain pellets

    Buy anything good? I got some pellets and a nice moderator for $20. I did get a new Seneca dragonfly for $100. No clue why I bought it haha, I felt like I had to get a gun. I missed out on some great deals on guns. You can’t think on anything because it’ll be gone when you come back. Won’t make...
  3. RobBonnell89

    Lesson learned, buyer beware bargain pellets

    Bummer you got someone’s scrap tin. Probably by accident. If you was at the Midwest show some of those pellets were rough. Luckily I opened and cherry picked my tins. I opened a couple tins that looked like they rode in the Baja 500 haha. There was some deals though. Pyramid had $5 tins of...
  4. RobBonnell89

    Better wood on air rifles

    I’m sure that Henry was a cherry picked one for the picture. Probably a edited photo to. Although my personal Henry does have a pretty decent stock. I was at a Airgun show over the weekend. The UK stuff seems to have the best stocks by far. Especially some of the older stuff I seen. They...
  5. RobBonnell89

    Hawke Sidewinder 30SF kinda disappointing

    Bummer on the new Hawke scope. I seem to hear varying opinions on them. I have a airmax 4-12x40 that’s pretty decent. The price of those sidewinders you’d expect one heck of a scope(I would atleast). Speaking of the older Japan Tascos, I kinda forgot about those. Some of those are pretty darn...
  6. RobBonnell89

    Benjamin Project P-rod finished

    Thanks for the info. Guess I’ll just try when I get a moderator and go from there.
  7. RobBonnell89

    Benjamin Project P-rod finished

    Thanks. I like the looks of it. Any issues filling it? I heard some guys have to remove to fill. Or add an extension?
  8. RobBonnell89

    Benjamin Project P-rod finished

    Great looking P-Rod! It even shoots as good as it looks too! I’m new to pcps and just got a prod to tinker with. I also got a manop stock from Rich. What moderator is that? I may have some more questions down the road on tuning. Sounds like you’ve got some experience. I have no clue what I’m...
  9. RobBonnell89

    Benjamin Project P-rod finished

    One of my favorite P-Rods I’ve seen. Love the looks of it with the laminate stock. I just got into PCP airguns myself. I got a Umarex Notos and just got a prod to tinker with. I got a manop stock for mine.
  10. RobBonnell89

    Which one are you choosing?

    I honestly don’t mind the the distressed bronze look. Something different than boring black. Would I pay the extra price for it? Nahhh 🤷‍♂️
  11. RobBonnell89

    Notos trigger

    Some great info fellas ,Thanks 🤘. I might have to tear into mine soon.I adjusted mine but it’s far from great. First stage on mine takes some getting use to. There’s a little resistance to get it start, then it just goes.
  12. RobBonnell89

    What did you order / receive airgun related today? Thread

    How you like that Ember moderator? Think I’m going to grab one from next batch.
  13. RobBonnell89

    Latest Moderator

    Thank you sir. I’ll keep an eye out for next batch. Im in no hurry anyways. Looking forward to trying one. They look great! Have a good rest of weekend. Take care, Rob
  14. RobBonnell89

    Latest Moderator

    Thanks, looks like a nice size for a carbine like my P-rod. I’m interested in one. I can’t PM you though. I don’t have 10 post yet. Not sure if you can PM me?
  15. RobBonnell89

    Which one are you choosing?

    Really cool photo. That owls shaped like softball haha