Recent content by scope007

  1. scope007

    Walther Rotek

    I get 100 full power shots that is from a 200 bar down to 100 bar fill and I'm quite happy with that. You are right about the weight, they are heavy compared to my 110K.
  2. scope007

    First post

    Thanks for the welcome guys.
  3. scope007

    Air guns and cancer

    Stay strong, keep shooting and adding to your gun collectiion. Best wishes from Engisnd.
  4. scope007

    Walther Rotek

    I have the Walther RM8 UC in.177, good shot count and so far very reliable. I take it that there no long sold in America, any idea why.
  5. scope007

    New member

    Hi, I'm a newbie also, welcome.
  6. scope007


    You can not double load my 110K.
  7. scope007

    My range

    Good bit of recycling.
  8. scope007

    First post

    Hi, just joined and would just like to say hello. I've already been reading some of the post on here and find them to be very informative.