Recent content by TTBJ

  1. TTBJ

    Cricket 2 Tactical .22 Long hammer spring testing

    My speed testing. With JSB 18.13 gr, 959 fps at 4 turns out 942 fps at 4 + 5/29 turns 896 fps at 5 turns Finally set up at 4 turns out, 959.4 fps/ 10 shots. This is where the hammer spring adjuster ended up at 4 turns.
  2. TTBJ

    Tuning KalibrGun Cricket II Tactical Barrel Reinstallation. Trigger Adjustment. Tuning.

    @mcoulter got 960 fps at about 2.6 turns with FX 18 gr.
  3. TTBJ

    Tuning KalibrGun Cricket II Tactical Barrel Reinstallation. Trigger Adjustment. Tuning.

    Finally set up at 4 turns out, 959.4 fps/ 10 shots. This is where the hammer spring adjuster ended up at 4 turns.
  4. TTBJ

    Tuning KalibrGun Cricket II Tactical Barrel Reinstallation. Trigger Adjustment. Tuning.

    Speed testing. With JSB 18.13 gr, hammer spring adjuster fully screwed in = "0" turns. 959 fps at 4 turns out (counter clockwise) 942 fps at 4 + 5/29 turns 896 fps at 5 turns
  5. TTBJ

    Tuning KalibrGun Cricket II Tactical Barrel Reinstallation. Trigger Adjustment. Tuning.

    1st stage trigger travel is not adjustable. The stock is only thing need to remove. I removed both.
  6. TTBJ

    Tuning KalibrGun Cricket II Tactical Barrel Reinstallation. Trigger Adjustment. Tuning.

    Adjusted 1st stage trigger pull force a little bit heavier to about 9 oz. For adjustment, just turns #80 trigger rod to move the #79 lock washer front/ rear. Do not cut the #78 spring shorter.
  7. TTBJ

    Tuning KalibrGun Cricket II Tactical Barrel Reinstallation. Trigger Adjustment. Tuning.

    Adjusted 2nd stage trigger pull force from about 8 oz to 14.5 oz. Now I can feel the 2nd stage clear. 8 oz is too soft, almost same 1st stage. (Picture is a Cricket.)
  8. TTBJ

    Tuning KalibrGun Cricket II Tactical Barrel Reinstallation. Trigger Adjustment. Tuning.

    Adjusted 2nd stage trigger travel. 2nd stage trigger travel = engage length of top and bottom sear. This a my hunting gun. For safety reasons, I set it up a little bit long. If you want a "hair" trigger, asjust it shorter. After 2nd stage trigger travel adjustment, the cocked trigger blade...
  9. TTBJ

    Tuning KalibrGun Cricket II Tactical Barrel Reinstallation. Trigger Adjustment. Tuning.

    Adjusted trigger blade placement, from position a (cocked)/ b (uncocked) moved to c (cocked)/ d (uncocked). For adjustment, disconnect #77a from #63, then turns #80 trigger rod AND #77a together. (= keep #77a & #80 in place, only #77b moving front or rear.) If turns #77a then both trigger blade...
  10. TTBJ

    Tuning KalibrGun Cricket II Tactical Barrel Reinstallation. Trigger Adjustment. Tuning.

    update. All done, the torque are: A = 15 in.lbs with Never-Seez, It's enough to hold the barrel tight. B = 20 in.lbs with Never-Seez C = didn't touch it.