• The buying, selling, trading, or gifting of a standalone airgun moderator is no longer supported in the Classified section. An airgun moderator may be included in your ad ONLY if it is "affixed" to the airgun. Please review the updated Classified Rules and Known Scammers List before engaging in ANY transaction.

Feedback brawler1588 is a seller in a league of his own!


Feb 22, 2020
MN, United States
Feedback: 12 / 0 / 0
brawler1588 listed a scope I was interested in a few days ago. After a couple of PMs he offered me one week to checkout out and make sure it was right for me needs. Unfortunately, the scope didn't check all my boxes, so I sent it back for a refund.

My point being, not many people would offer a chance to inspect a used scope and then accept its return! Kudos to Matthew for being above and beyond the typical transaction.

He is in a league all to his own!!