• The buying, selling, trading, or gifting of a standalone airgun moderator is no longer supported in the Classified section. An airgun moderator may be included in your ad ONLY if it is "affixed" to the airgun. Please review the updated Classified Rules and Known Scammers List before engaging in ANY transaction.

Feedback Member " mercado" is great to do business with!!!


Feb 11, 2017
COLORADO, United States
Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0
I put an airgun up for sale back in late September and one of the responses was from someone in Puerto Rico that asked if I would be interested in a trade. I was just a little skeptical because of what I see mentioned here about scammers and such, but I was looking to get a different gun and and his offer piqued my interest. After several texts and phone calls we agreed on a deal and it required a wait for the gun he had to be finished by Derick Wall, who was making some mods to the gun. The wait was worth it!! In the time waiting we traded many texts and photos and became friends in the process. I sent photos of snow in Colorado and he sent photos of his view from his kayak on the bay in P.R. I was jealous of his beautiful location!! He made sure that I was getting the better part of the deal and any questions I had were answered quickly and in detail. I would wholeheartedly recommend doing business with him and and want to thank him for his generosity in our deal!

Thank you, Fernando!!!