The formula for the number of air guns a person should own is of course = N + 1, where "N" is the number of guns one currently owns. Thought it might be fun to have a thread to see who has a new plus 1 and what they think about it. We'll all be battling for the silver medal behind Crowski I'm sure ha! Kim's anniversary present HW 30S Deluxe got here last night. Too late to shoot it but the grin on her face while holding it tells me I did well. Might be the second-best anniversary present ever, behind the Pyr puppy I gave her 4 years ago. She's small and was REALLY happy with the size and light weight. Said it was going to be perfect for shooting off hand with open sights and dispatching snakes etc. which is the plan for this gun. Will post feedback after she gets to shoot it. FedEx says they're going to be here with my "new" gun today. Could be another post later.