I may have found the first somewhat troublesome issue with the Ghost. Mine arrived yesterday and I shot maybe 100 rounds through it, starting out with JSB 18.13s. The first shot chronied came in WAY HOT, over 1100 fps. I turned the power wheel down to minimum and in my mind it was still too hot. So I tossed in the 25.39 MRDs and even with the wheel at minimum those were clocking in @ 920fps. The reg was sitting at 150 bar which I believe I've read to be the norm.
This morning I decided to turn the reg down and followed the directions in the handbook. Removed the bottle and dry fired until the pressure was gone. Turn the reg adjusting screw in a round or 3 and screwed the bottle back on. The bottle began to dump out the barrel because the main valve was stuck open. I've had this happen before with an FX and cocking the gun would allow the bottle pressure to seat the valve. However, the Ghost would not cock. The lever would get maybe as far back as where the major tension typically would start and it would hit a hard stop. Rather than force it I tried adjusting the power wheel as well as pulling the trigger and the level back, and just about everything else that I could imagine. Needless to say, the bottle is empty now, the gun won't cock, and I've had to reach out to my vendor who has replicated the issue on his personal Ghost. Now we're both waiting for answers from BRK or whomever my vendor is calling. Maybe it won't require disassembly, but if it does, I'm okay with that.