Caught this guy sleeping

It's pouring rain here and I'm in the garage organizing my tools. I take a look outside and notice this grey sitting in a knot of my silver maple. Head just sticking out, perfect. Tree is only 10 yards from the back door so I held over an inch and a half and put a JSB Hades right in the noggin with 50 fpe out of the Kral Jumbo.
It deformed his head from the pressure and look at the chunk out of his shoulders!
The poi really changes quickly once the range gets below 15 yards. At 10 and 5 yard short shots, lots of holdover are required. Some practice and a little range card cheat sheet make all the difference.
Totally changes the POI especially since the scopes sit so high on these PCPs with the mag in the way. I have a couple pellet traps in the yard now so I can practice those close shots.
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