Doesn’t do it for me.Saw this posted on another forum and thought I would here for the HW35 fans. The 35 E hasn't been changed but from the post I saw, then looking myself, Weihrauch has gone stock changing yet again and given the 35 Standard a new one:
View attachment 304092
The computer said its fine.Wow that's horrible.
I think Weihrauch's stock designer is eatting the wrong kind of mushrooms...
I can't see it being worse then the old. The old feels / sholders more youth sized then adult on me . Now it looks near the same sizing as my gamo in witch i like it's fit to my sholder but some reason the hw it just seems small or somthing. Then it's far better then my hatsan 95 qe . Far better. Weird..?SO has any one tried this new stock , actually shouldered it ?might be very comfortable to shoot ?
I would rather have that, than this:
Yes, Simple is always better ...Stock design should be beautiful and sleek does not have to be this hard