Altaros 31gr Slugs...Video! 📸 Are they the best? (behind the scenes)

Howlers link

Zan link

JSB Knockout link

I've only ever bought KOs, NSAs, and H&Ns. The Howlers impressed me the most from @intenseaty22 airgun, so I will have to experiment with those. The Zans and the KOs did well also though. I'll just have to try a little bit of everything when I get to it.


I think??? and I could be wrong, but those Howlers look to be rebadged NSA 20.2 gr slugs, except slightly heavier 20.3gr instead. I was told the NSA 20.2gr 21.65 diameter shoot well "and fast" in the Redwolf 16 twist barrels. I should order some for comparisons sake.

IIRC the KO's were originally designed to work decently in slow twist pellet barrels. Kind of a hybrid design if you will??

The Zan's I don't know much about but 28gr is getting up there in weight for a 32 twist to work well with. I'd be curious to see how the next few heavier 22 cal Zan's work in Intenseaty's Prophet.
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I think??? and I could be wrong, but those Howlers look to be rebadged NSA 20.2 gr slugs, except slightly heavier 20.3gr instead. I was told the NSA 20.2gr 21.65 diameter shoot well "and fast" in the Redwolf 16 twist barrels. I should order some for comparisons sake.

IIRC the KO's were originally designed to work decently in slow twist pellet barrels. Kind of a hybrid design if you will??

The Zan's I don't know much about but 28gr is getting up there in weight for a 32 twist to work well with. I'd be curious to see how the next few heavier 22 cal Zan's work in Intenseaty's Prophet.
Yeah the Howlers I believe are NSA rebrands but made to Daystate specs. They shot really well. But all the slugs held there own, except Altaras. You could hunt with the NSAs, the KOs, or the Zans with confidence.
Yeah the Howlers I believe are NSA rebrands but made to Daystate specs. They shot really well. But all the slugs held there own, except Altaras. You could hunt with the NSAs, the KOs, or the Zans with confidence.

I think a more correct way to put this is = "In Intenseaty's Prophet", he could hunt with those NSAs, those KOs, or those Zans with confidence, because at some point as heavier slugs from Zan or NSA are tried in that gun similar results will happen as with the Altaros.
I think a more correct way to put this is = "In Intenseaty's Prophet", he could hunt with those NSAs, those KOs, or those Zans with confidence, because at some point as heavier slugs from Zan or NSA are tried in that gun similar results will happen as with the Altaros.
Well that is a funny assumption. We actually don't know how heavier slugs from NSAs, KOs, and Zans would perform. I suspect they would do better than the above referenced Altaros. The 28gr slugs did well, and I think a few more grains would not amount to a 6' spread like the Altaros. Regardless, this quick test was with these slugs, out of which the Altaros performed worse than any slug I've ever seen. Does that mean they are all horrible? I should hope not. If you want to see how 30-35gr slugs shoot of a Prophet 1:32 barrel you can always buy one and try it out. If I was a betting man, and sometimes I am, I would guess that @intenseaty22 could shoot to 39gr~ with pretty good hunting accuracy (not a 6' spread), but that is just a guess.

I will be doing a slug test here pretty soon so I'll grab some similary weighted slugs as the Altaros that I will be testing.
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Well that is a funny assumption. We actually don't know how heavier slugs from NSAs, KOs, and Zans would perform. I suspect they would do better than the above referenced Altaros. The 28gr slugs did well, and I think a few more grains would not amount to a 6' spread like the Altaros. Regardless, this quick test was with these slugs, out of which the Altaros performed worse than any slug I've ever seen. Does that mean they are all horrible? I should hope not. If you want to see how 30-35gr slugs shoot of a Prophet 1:32 barrel you can always buy one and try it out. If I was a betting man, and sometimes I am, I would guess that @intenseaty22 could shoot to 39gr~ with pretty good hunting accuracy (not a 6' spread), but that is just a guess.

I will be doing a slug test here pretty soon so I'll grab some similary weighted slugs as the Altaros that I will be testing.


For the sake of clarity let me point out that in, any barrel, or any twist rate, even with the perfect diameter slug for a barrel, one would eventually find as the length of the slug is increased its stability is affected to the point precision will degrade so much that it becomes disqualified because at this juncture it has no practical purpose.

That subject of stability ^^^^ is a major reason there have been previously so many problems with slugs when these started becoming more popular only a few years ago and why faster twist rates were asked for and indeed required for heavy-ish slugs which have the higher BC's and energy's people were seeking. Like in the 22 caliber barrels for the Prophet 2 "as one example" but most of the rest of the manufacturers as well.

Myself and most others accept this basic knowledge of rudimentary principles in twist rates and projectile differences that apply here. The very first thing that came to my mind was Hmm that must be a slower twist barrel and those Altaros slugs were meant to be used in a faster twist barrel and that's exactly what I took away from the video.

As to how well the flight characteristics behave of those "particular" Altaros slugs shot out of barrels with the proper twist rates I couldn't say exactly but I'd like to at least try them out in different guns out of curiosity.

If you have any of those Altaros slugs left that you want to sell please contact me.

Also if anybody here in Arizona has a Prophet with a 1-32" twist barrel in it that would be willing to rent it out to me to try more weights and brands of slugs please contact me.
I shot some Altaros 25 cal 49.5gr slugs out of my Uragan King. These are only going 720 fps in this gun.

They shot great. Top pic is at 50Y and bottom pic was at 100Y. At 200Y they were very impressive in the wind unlike the 29gr NSA that I usually shoot. Not that the NSA's don't shoot well but its because the BC is so high on the Altaros that these stay on the steel instead of being blown off to the sides.


With my limited experience it seems the alteros do not like the same speeds as other slugs and when fired beyond what is ideal for the alteros they shoot like a shotgun and splater all over the place. Similar to the op's video I had a hard time finding where the slugs even hit when fired too fast. However at 950 fps they were doing pretty good and actually group pretty good for me at 100yards and at 200 I hit more steel than I did with the other slugs that day. So I do feel that this slug does not like the slug tunes that the other slugs like. At least on the day I was at the range. I feel that I could have gotten better if I honed in on the ideal speed that they like.

I may try the 32.3 gr again at home to see how they group at 20 and 30 yards. But at 200 I had to hit the large steels several (sometimes more than 10 times) to get them to fall. I bought about 10 bags of 40 gr to try with the 700mm superior heavy and and the 800mm 1/14 twist I have. But it looks like it will rain with 10 to 15 mph winds on my usual range day which is this Monday. 🥴 anyways let's see what happens.

About a month ago I picked up my Thomas rifle from a friend/AG Smith. He had fitted a LW polygonal 17.7 twist barrel in 22 caliber.

I was getting my dope down for the Altaros 32.3gr Smooth at 100Y and I shot both these 3 shot groups at 100Y back to back. The orange target stickers are 1".

I'm waiting on a new scope and when that arrives I'll try these slugs out to as far as 300Y.

Frankly I'm not feeling so bad now, I've got very high expectation and I need to temper them a bunch. I was out at my favorite ground squirrel grounds, no ground squirrels to be seen so I practiced some longer range with 25.39 JSB pellets, 33.95 JSB Mk2 pellets and 26gr RMR/FX Hybrids, this time was 85 ish, I carefully left my rangefinder home, yards in gusting wind, a serious PIA. The clean holes are the 26gr. Slugs, top left is a ranging shot, one to the far left is a bad miss with a pellet previously, group just and to the left was POA of the center square, then an adjustment and 2 in the square, the ragged one is a pellet, the target is a MOA 1" blocks