I need a pellet rifle. .177 that my 12 yo daughter can cock without much trouble

I would suggest the venerable HW30. Way above your price point but an heirloom quality rifle that she can give to her daughter.

I have seen one of these in person and they seemed like a decent shooter for a child for $100.

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I would suggest the venerable HW30. Way above your price point but an heirloom quality rifle that she can give to her daughter.

I have seen one of these in person and they seemed like a decent shooter for a child for $100.

I would up my budget quite a bit and go with an HW30, or slightly better an HW35, It's a little more powerful, a little heavier, and has a manual barrel latch which if properly used is said never to wear out, although I have my doubts about that, not that I will every wear mine out. For the extra money over your budget you will get her a better trigger, and a much prettier gun that will last a lifetime, vs a $100 throwaway gun.

My 11 year old grandson can cock my 35e with ease.
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HW30. above your price point but an heirloom quality rifle that she can give to her daughter.
Seriously , this is the rifle you and your daughter need . HW30.

I would up my budget quite a bit and go with an HW30, or slightly better an HW35, It's a little more powerful, a little heavier, and has a manual barrel latch which if properly used is said never to wear out, although I have my doubts about that, not that I will every wear mine out. For the extra money over your budget you will get her a better trigger, and a much prettier gun that will last a lifetime, vs a $100 throwaway gun.

My 11 year old grandson can cock my 35e with ease.
Don't get me wrong as I really love the HW 35, but it's a big ol' heavy gun! It's over 8 pounds (HW 30 is about 6), longer, fatter (35mm vs 30mm receiver tube outside diameter), and significantly harder to cock than the HW 30. IMHO quite a load for the average 12-year-old girl to carry and shoot comfortably, even if she can cock it.

If you don't mind hunting around for an nice older used gun: an old HW 30 with the slender finger-groove stock, a Diana model 25 or 27, (or newer model 24), or a BSA Meteor are other great youth rifles.
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If you can find a nice used HW30 or R7 that would definitely be the way to go. If you decide on a new HW30, Krale is probably the least expensive.
Yes, even with shipping, probably around $40 to the us. And I rather think if you get an order in mid day their time, western Europe, you should have it in about 3 days. The better US dealers are much slower, if in stock about ten days.

easy to cock, dead nuts acurate to about 20 years, easy to cock and shoot

kids dig the color. IT will take a scope, I have a 4x BugBuster on mine

easy to cock, dead nuts acurate to about 20 years, easy to cock and shoot

kids dig the color. IT will take a scope, I have a 4x BugBuster on mine
I second this because the short length of pull will help her develop proper offhand shooting setup.
She has outgrown her Daisy BB gun. I"d like to keep it under $100 if possible? are any of the scope packages worth a hoot? Thanks.
Unless you just don't have the $$$, you can get a HW30S shipped to your door for $300. If for whatever reason, you stop shooting it, you likely can sell it for $200 and only be out $100. Heirloom quality, whereas any cheaper gun for $100 will likely brake and be tossed as junk in 5 years.

-My suspicion, is you're more likely buy another Weihrauch after shooting it.