Here is the Most Accurate Pistol you can buy: the 2023 Evanix AR6-P

WRONG! The Weihrauch HW44 is the most accurate pistol. I can show you true one hole groups all day long.
Pretty much all of my pistols are capable. Me.... Not so much. I don't keep anything that won't shoot this well. If it doesn't, and I do keep it, you can guarantee it will eventually. Even if it takes a mountain of parts/time/tuning and barrels. But again, I am the weakest link. So there's never a question of what's the fault of poor accuracy 🤣. Anyone that owns a number of pistols should know that refinement add to accuracy in various scenarios. Shot cycle dynamics, balance, trigger refinement, ect. All add up. And the hw44 is among the best in many regards.
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Pretty much all of my pistols are capable. Me.... Not so much. I don't keep anything that won't shoot this well. If it doesn't, and I do keep it, you can guarantee it will eventually. Even if it takes a mountain of parts/time/tuning and barrels. But again, I am the weakest link. So there's never a question of what's the fault of poor accuracy 🤣. Anyone that owns a number of pistols should know that refinement add to accuracy in various scenarios. Shot cycle dynamics, balance, trigger refinement, ect. All add up. And the hw44 is among the best in many regards.
I agree that the operator is the weakest link. Can you explain the shot cycle dynamics? I am working on a simpler sight for new shooters that builds their skills quicker, easier and at a lower cost. I have focused on and solved the issues of close range targeting for new shooters. I have very few high-priced pistols. I have focused on the low-cost entry level guns that new shooters would use. I have had good luck teaching kids with the Diana Chaser pistols. Someday I may need someone with higher skills to test my sight for longer range shooting. I thank all for their opinions. Very educational.
Guns, depending on what they're equipped with will have different balancing points. As well as different reciprocating masses (hammer). The less hammer mass, the less the gun is affect by its start and stop travel. Which is why real target pistols employ lightweight hammers and lightweight hammer springs. As well as heavier barrels sometimes. (and for other reasons) Position of the hammer in the gun (forward, rearward, height) all affect how the gun acts when fired. This is a relatively small affect. But the worst gun I have regarding this is my 2 pp800's. They have heavy rifle hammers, and where they are positioned in the gun seems to be rather disruptive. This can be compensated by balancing the gun out. Different weight optics positioned forward or rearward or different weight/length moderators. Here is what my 177 pp800 looks like in its most balanced config (also has a lightened hammer). The moderator is from huma and can be configured at various lengths. In 20mm or 40mm incriments. More or less weight on the end of the gun. Hold will also affect how a gun behaves when fired, and hold can compensate for any imbanace as well. But it's better to balance a gun first, and just use a normal hold. 20211201_155115.jpg
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Coming from probably the biggest Evanix fan that also had two AR6 pistols,

once again the reviews from this guy are obviously to please the companies that give him guns,.....I absolutely love the AR6 and it's a power house but most accurate ? ...c'mon man !!!!

The review that really got me and made me realize this guy don't even know much about PCP was when he was cleaning the barrel on the REX-Ibex and turned it upside down so the products would not get into the transfer port,......newsflash, the REX is an inline valve gun with no transfer port :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
For anyone interested in hard realities about AR6 pistol performance I'm attaching documentation of actual, scientific velocity and accuracy testing of the two I've owned (still own #2, and LOVE IT).

Since all testing of #1 was in stock form, if you read carefully enough you might realize I was trying to get as close as possible to some combination that minimized the AR6's inherent habit of every shot falling in velocity from the previous. My accuracy testing of #1 also reflects reality about their accuracy capabilities (in stock form).

Upon parting with #1 I started missing it almost immediately. Correction- I started missing what I felt could be their capabilities with the right modifications. So when Will Piatt (R.I.P. Will) began modifying Korean PCPs to higher potentials, and I not only met him at the FT National Championships held on his property but also interrogated him about the possibilities, I bought AR6 Pistol #2 and sent it to him.

Again if you read the attached testing notes carefully enough you might be able to decipher them enough to understand #2's progression from stock form to Will Piatt modified Most Accurate AR6 Pistol On Earth.

After investing more hours of quality time with the AR6 pistol than some reviewers invest minutes, I can confidently state them capable of 4 MOA accuracy to FIFTY YARDS in stock form, and about 2 MOA accuracy in Will Piatt/Lothar Walther barrel form... IN THE RIGHT HANDS.

FWIW, "testing" a 20+ foot-pound PCP hunting pistol at ten yards is akin to street-racing a funny car.

AR6 .64%22 35 yd.JPG

This 35 yard SIX-SHOT group measured just .64" center-to-center.

AR6 12 at 50.jpg

The 1" diameter quarter lends perspective to this TWELVE-SHOT group at fifty yards.

46 yd AR6.JPG

An 18.1 grain JSB at 700 FPS+ zipped right through this cottontail (broadside) at 46 yards; an excellent example of the AR6's proper application.

The testing notes are attached below. All velocity numbers are in this sequence- Low Velocity, High Velocity, Extreme Spread, Standard Deviation, Average Velocity/Energy.

View attachment AR6 Pis Exc pdf.pdf
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I, for one, enjoy watching Nate’s video reviews on YT a lot. I seriously like his style and humor in each episode.

I am certain that Nate just made a small typographical error in the title of this thread. You know, auto correct and all of that these days.

Here is the Most Ugly Pistol you can buy: the 2023 Evanix AR6-P​

All fixed for you Nate! I got your back.
From a reviewer that has a pcp for 24hrs, makes a video, then tries to sell it here for too much money. How can anyone possibly make a statement about any gun he reviews without any proper testing or data. Even Steve doesn’t go to the lengths of saying things like that, and he sometimes tests a gun for months!!
Coming from probably the biggest Evanix fan that also had two AR6 pistols,

once again the reviews from this guy are obviously to please the companies that give him guns,.....I absolutely love the AR6 and it's a power house but most accurate ? ...c'mon man !!!!

The review that really got me and made me realize this guy don't even know much about PCP was when he was cleaning the barrel on the REX-Ibex and turned it upside down so the products would not get into the transfer port,......newsflash, the REX is an inline valve gun with no transfer port :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Don’t even get me started about this cat.