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UPDATED. Pyramyd Air is really slacking off lately

I ordered about 20 tins last month, packaging was done poorly so a few tins were damaged and 2 tins were missing, they did make it right though so its not too bad.

I also just received a TX200 that I ordered in .22 and some pellets probes, the probes were all over the place the rifle is the wrong caliber, I'm not sure if PA boxes them or Air Arms messed this up but I received a 177 rifle inside of a box that was marked as a 22, I'm not even going to contact them about it I don't want to wait for a replacement I just wish they could get it right the first time.

UPDATE. Upon further inspection, I found the caliber mark on the rifle and it also says Cal .22/5.5mm but the barrel is in .177? So I guess Air Arms did mess this one up. I spent a few minutes trying to fit a .22 pellet in it with no luck and 177 pellets fit perfectly, I also measured it and it's definitely a 177 barrel on a .22 rifle. Pyramyd Air is off the hook on this one.
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Pyramyd got too big too fast, and now can’t keep up. Their customer service is horrible, their shipping department I think is a bunch of high school kids that don’t give a damn, and their pricing is not competitive at all unless you take advantage of their “deals” that make their prices similar to everyone else. I’m no longer a customer. I’ll take my money elsewhere.
My last 3 things from them were not so satisfying.. rma city and what not...

Now i go look at stuff there and fight there in house pop ups. Spin the wheel of savings, can i help you, ect ... I just tap out and look elsewhere. Also a lot more of discount dont apply to this item . Coupon code was a thing wirh then to put a good deal together that now a dont apply...lol ( so all them saving pop-up's. Cant be used on the item your looking at anyway).. anyway pa, i go to shop items not fight off your dale/ chat, discount pop ups and your not the only place that sells stuff ( even though the rest are a near copy and paste stores ). Lol
The box should have been "cut" in the corners, so it could have folded over for a more snug hold on the content.
Filling with padding ( Crumble paper or air filled plastic bags / styrofoam chips) only get you so far.

This i believe will even save money on shipping ( smaller parcels )

Shipping is not just getting things in a box and out the door, it is getting things correctly in the right box, and then out the door.
It is a mundane job, but there are still a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it.

In this case with the pellets i would have done 1 layer, then a piece of cardboard, then another layer, also it might actually have been better using a square box VS this rectangular one, as the longer side would be more prone to flexing / bending in shipping.
That way you had 5 X 4 tin layers VS 2 X 8 tin layers + 4 in the rectangular box.

Thin + heavy parcel are no good if you have several items, in that case a thicker one would support itself better.
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Sorry, Dude, same thing happened year, or so ago, to a member. PA was following thread and reported management had to ream out a new employee in Shipping. Things got much better in a hurry. Sad to see history repeating itself, hope all works out. WM
My first experiences with them were great and when there was a problem they did do there best to fix them but it's a time consuming process that could easily be avoided and would make for a better experience.
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