Hawke made in china

China makes high quality and low quality stuf, depend who is paying what. I have no issues with that.
But in recent 5-6 years I bought scopes - rebranded - in US, and I got burned with one Brand you cannot find them anymore on the market.
From that moment if I want to by Chinese scopes I buy from China and for China price.
Not saying Hawke is bad brand or quality.
Just for information, about two years ago I bought a Sig Sauer red dot + magnifier combo. When I wanted to replace the elevation plate, this was below:

Was surprised to see my new pricey Hawke scope said “made in china” on the box. I never saw that disclosure anywhere before purchasing. Silly me. No matter because so far I have only read good things about Hawke - thus my purchase - I was just surprised!
Thats how it is .. like the box has usa all over it but the part in it stamped china...
I just purchased a Hawke as well, honestly I never even considered where they are made. Soooooo much of what we use in our daily lives are made in China, it’s hard ( almost impossible) to avoid it. If not China it’s some other foreign country 99% of the time. Hell we can’t even buy our Own gas and oil ! It’s a shame.
I do not support China or its economy. I will shop out of my way in order to avoid their products. With that said, I’m happy that you like your new rifle scope that is made in China.
I would not have bought the scope if there was disclosure beforehand about made in china - there’s a reason they don’t disclose this information ahead of purchase
Simple Google search about any scope brand will tell you where something was made.
I did for Hawke and this is at the very top of the first search page:

Hawke does not shirk the fact that nearly all of its scopes are made in China, but the strict in-house quality control is something that Hawke Optics takes seriously and the company offers a lifetime warranty (to the original owner) as testament to the faith the makers have in their products.Apr 9, 2018

Email is also your friend since most companies happily answer emails asking questions about their products. Lost track of all the companies I've emailed asking questions. They made it, they're the absolute best people to ask...lol.
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I do not support China or it’s economy. I will shop out of my way in order to avoid their products. With that said, I’m happy that you like your new rifle scope that is made in China.
I'm kind of the opposite. I've been buying everything I can that's made in China for oh, about two-ish years now. Boxes and boxes of Chinese stuff into every corner of the house. I figure this way, when they show up in my town and come around here, It'll be like a Shanghai Passover. Even have a 2x3 portriat of Brandon on the wall to let them know I approve of their choice for us.
I do not support China or it’s economy. I will shop out of my way in order to avoid their products. With that said, I’m happy that you like your new rifle scope that is made in China.
That's a pretty funny statement. You are MOST probably buying from China, and don't even realize it !!
You can say it, but that doesn't make it true...NOT in today's world.

And like Russia, and the Ukraine, China AND...may soon come to blows !
Then we are ALL screwed.

That's a pretty funny statement. You are MOST probably buying from China, and don't even realize it !!
You can say it, but that doesn't make it true...NOT in today's world.

And like Russia, and the Ukraine, China AND...may soon come to blows !
Then we are ALL screwed.

I’m glad you got a chuckle out of my statement.
I assure you that when I part with my money for goods, I know where it is going, if the label/ID tag/ makers mark/individual is being honest. I have a right to choose, and I do so with my money.
Just because you say I don’t, doesn’t make it true
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Simple Google search about any scope brand will tell you where something was made.
I did for Hawke and this is at the very top of the first search page:

Hawke does not shirk the fact that nearly all of its scopes are made in China, but the strict in-house quality control is something that Hawke Optics takes seriously and the company offers a lifetime warranty (to the original owner) as testament to the faith the makers have in their products.Apr 9, 2018

Email is also your friend since most companies happily answer emails asking questions about their products. Lost track of all the companies I've emailed asking questions. They made it, they're the absolute best people to ask...lol.
Good points
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