RTI Prophet 2 Opinions

I’m not sure what the problem is here? An insinuation of dishonesty by the friend of a “victim”? C’mon now, this is a hobby for most…
Too be honest, I'm not really sure I'm going to continue on this forum. So much conflict.
It's unhealthy.
Stay safe guys.
Enjoy your shooting.
Unfortunately, I got sucked in. For the most part the forum is full of good content. Sorry for my contribution to the conflict.
Too be honest, I'm not really sure I'm going to continue on this forum. So much conflict.
It's unhealthy.
Stay safe guys.
Enjoy your shooting.
Well Spinich, I’ve appreciated your posts, sometimes the mood does get a bit dark, and that sucks because I really enjoy this forum usually.
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I have no tolerance for dishonesty, deceit, or talking in circles to avoid answering a SIMPLE, DIRECT question; much less with bad sales pitches for defective products. Nor do I hesitate to expose such... "rubbish". The OP asked for none of that. He asked ONLY for information about any Prophet problems; probably in hopes of avoiding a thousand dollar lemon like my buddy got.💸💸💸

That being exposed sucks the exposed into deeper holes by attempting to cover-up their cover-ups makes my unmuzzled honesty its own reward. That less than honest types then "think" themselves capable of intelligent debate is an excellent bonus!😂

Happy Shooting Y'all!(y)
Bummer about your buddies lemon...
So what does he want for that boat anchor?

Key words, "OTHER threads". My point exactly.

Wrong; something was being intentionally hidden in this thread by posters knowing the answer to the OP's question. They purposely avoided answering his question.

You're welcome.
While you do make many good points, I don’t believe Prophet owners were intentionally hiding the now corrected valve issue. There is no need to assign other forum users “negative intentions”.
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The RTI Prophet Performance V1 was designed to win long range benchrest competitions with pellets.

In its last year of production (PP V1) both the .22 and .25 calibers had 32:1 slow twist rate polygonal rifling barrels that can keep pellets stable at high velocities - up to 1,070fps and perhaps higher. These .22 and .25 barrels were made by Lothar Walther to RTI’s specifications and are stamped “LR” (Long Range) on the barrel. The slow twist rate of the .22 and .25 barrels is great for pellet shooting but not good for slug shooting.

The RTI Prophet Performance V2 (the current model) was designed with slug shooting in mind. The PP V2 .22 and .25 barrels have faster twist rates (16:1 and 20:1) to enable better slug shooting (than the original PP V1). They also have much larger transfer ports than the V1 barrels. Finally, the PP V2 introduced a “balanced valve” that provides higher power levels at lower regulator pressures.

So, the PP V1 with the Long Range .22 and .25 barrels was designed for pellet shooting and the PP V2 was designed for slug shooting. The V2 barrels should also shoot pellets well (at lower velocities than the V1 LR barrels). The PP V1 LR barrels (in .22 and .25 caliber) have a slow twist rate that is not optimal for slugs.

So, if you are considering a Prophet Performance, I hope that you find this helpful in determining whether the V1 or V2 is best suited for your intended use.

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In fairness, I have learnt a bit about this forum, simply because of this thread. Life and learning.

Some of the other threads eg ' use the search function ' etc assisted my confusion about contribution to the forum.

If my comments or posts have offended anyone, for whatever reason, I apologise.

I used the word apologise deliberately, just to emphasize I'm from a different continent. 😉

Shoot well, try a prophet.

Stay safe.
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I have a RTI Prophet Performance in .22. It has not been without faults. I have a lot of issues with the magazines. I have bought a few because they are a bad design and break often. I even bought the magazines that some guy makes with his 3d printer (by the way, they suck too).

The gun had a major leak and I had to send it back to AoA for warranty work. When it did come back from warranty work, the cocking lever was broken. I contacted AoA about the issue. I was given a choice to either send the gun back to AoA for the repair or they could just send me the parts and I could fix the gun myself. I chose to fix it myself

After a while, AoA sent me a new cocking lever with few other parts just in case. I replaced the cocking lever, and I was able to get a few rounds through the gun before I was not able to cock the gun anymore. Really? I was so discussed that it was broke again that I it set aside for about 8 months or so before I picked it up again.

After a while of the gun being broken, I finally got the courage to tear into the gun to see what was up and why it wouldn't cock. I tore into the cocking mechanism and after about 2 days of mucking around with it. I finally got it to cock often enough to shoot the darn thing (I am not sure why it started to cock. I guess it wanted to bond with me first).

As a side note: when the gun stopped cocking, I managed to jam a few - not really sure how many - pellets into the barrel. Remember, this gun does not have a mechanism to stop the gun from double loading pellets.

I tried to unjam the barrel using a gun cleaning rod. I ended up ruining the cleaning rods. I went to Home Depot and picked up a 3 foot zinc rod, secured the barrel in a vise and beat the ever-loving heck barrel and finally I was able to remove the pellets From the barrel.

Luckily, I didn't mess up the barrel while beating the pellets out, (still accurate at 50 yard). Now the O-ring on the probe disintegrated, of course! (the probe pushes the pellets into the barrel. Called AoA. Package of three O-rings for a buck ($1). While on the line to AoA, I purchased a barrel kit in .30 cal.

Another thing to note: the cocking mechanism is not up to par with an $1,800 airgun. My Daystate Revere cocking action is buttery smooth and it cost far less than the $1,800 I paid for this nightmare. There is a screw on the cocking lever that should have had thread lock installed at the factory. The screw unscrews itself all the time and chewed up the metal below it, not sure what to call it 'cause I ain't a gunsmith, and yet I'm learning to be one.

And yet another thing to note: the magazines get stuck, and often. My magazines (I bought extra's because they break) got stuck so many time trying to get the jammed magazine out of the gun that the gun has fallen to the ground a few times - now there are many scratches.

Another thing to note: after many many rounds I finally discovered a trick to help mitigate the magazine jam thing. Smack the magazine on your hand first, before you insert the mag into the gun.

My AEA HPSS in .25 cal is 1/3rd the price and is so much better gun. The funest Airgun I own is my Hastun .30 cal. This break-barrel is giggly fun (if you can cock it, you can shoot it): a .30 cal break-barrel! really? .30 cal? Yep.

Do I recommend the RTI Prophet Performance PCP airgun in .22? Absolutely NOT. It is way too much money, I mean waaaay too much money for such a crappy design. I don't care how good it CAN shoot (when it wants to), I want a gun that can shoot all the time, not when the planets align.

So here's the breakdown of the issues I have had with the RTI Prophet Performance in .22 cal:

Bad leak
Broken cocking lever
Cocking issues
Magazine jams
Barrel jam
Probe O-ring disintegrating

I bought the .30 cal barrel kit, am I a glutton for punishment?

So why did I purchase the Prophet? I saw many positive YouTube reviews and read many written reviews. After seeing all the reviews I became smitten to the gun. I was getting ready to pull the "trigger" on buying the Daystate Delta Wolf. I figured I would save a bunch of money and still get a highly accurate airgun.

And think, I chose to buy this RTI Prophet instead of a Delta Wolf. Damn I am stupid! really **** stupid.
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I have a RTI Prophet Performance in .22. It has not been without faults. I have a lot of issues with the magazines. I have bought a few because they are a bad design and break often. I even bought the magazines that some guy makes with his 3d printer (by the way, they suck too). I had a major leak and had to send it back to AoA for warranty work. When it came back from warranty work, the cocking lever was broken. I asked them to AoA to the parts because, you know, I want to shoot it now! not after it, eventually, comes back from AoA. AoA sent me the parts to replace the cocking lever. After I replaced the cocking lever, I was able to shoot is about twice (2 rounds) before it wouldn't cock. Really? I was so discussed that it was broke again that I it set aside for about 8 months or so before I picked it up again. I tore into the cocking mechanism and after about 2 days of mucking around with it. I finally got it to cock often enough to shoot the darn thing (I am not sure why it started to cock. I guess it wanted to bond with me first). Also, back when it decided to NOT cock, I managed to get a few pellets (not sure how many) JAMMED into the barrel (every time you try to cock the gun, it loads a pellet. So if it does not cock, it is easy to multi load pellets). Not only did I have to get the gun to cock, I had to clear the **** pellet jam. I eventually went to the Home Depot and got a 3 foot section of a zinc metal rod that was small enough to fit the barrel. Put the barrel into a vise, took a hammer and beat the metal rod repeatedly until the mangled chunks of lead finally came out of the bottom of the barrel.

Now I can actually shoot the rifle once again. So far, it seems that I didn't mess up the barrel by jamming a zinc rod down the barrel to remove jammed pellets because the gun wouldn't cock. I bought a cheap scope because I didn't want to remove a scope from one of the other airguns I have (that shoot) just in case. One more thing, any of the barrel kits seem to be like unicorns, impossible to find.

Another thing to note: the cocking mechanism is not up to par with an $1,800 airgun. My Daystate Revere cocking action is buttery smooth and it cost far less than the $1,800 I paid for this nightmare. There is a screw on the cocking lever that should have had thread lock installed at the factory. The screw unscrewed itself and chewed up the metal below it, not sure what to call it 'cause I ain't a gunsmith, and yet I'm learning to be one.

And yet another thing to note: the magazines get stuck, and often. My magazines (I bought extra's) got stuck so many time trying to get the magazine out that it has fallen on the ground a few times (yeah, there are many marks on the gun now for various events). I found, after many many rounds, that you need to smack the magazine on your hand first, before you insert the mag as the pellets can sometimes jam up the works so bad that it impossible to remove the mag.

My AEA HPSS in .25 is 1/3rd the price and is so much better gun. The funniest PCP that I own - my Hastun .30 cal break-barrel is giggly fun (if you can cock it, you can shoot it): a .30 cal break-barrel! really? .30 cal? Yep.

Do I recommend the RTI Prophet Performance PCP airgun in .22? Absolutely NOT. It is way too much money, I mean waaaay too much money for such a crappy design. I don't care how good it CAN shoot, I want a gun that can shoot all the time, not when the planets align.

And think, I chose to buy this one instead of a Delta Wolf. Damn I am stupid! really **** stupid.

don't buy
You are right. Also the pellet pusher wears on the block. That wil result in a $500,- replacement. Or you have to work on the gun.
That will lead to the question. Would I buy it again? Maybe. I did choose the prophet instead of the Impact M3. The barrel of the M3 is not that good. Lots inconsistency constrictions. But the regulators and cocking is very sweet.
At the moment I am making a Lothar & Walter polygone .25 barrel fit for my brothers M3. We will see how that worksout.
I am good with the Prophet 2 now, cause I have made some adjustement.
Every gun has his flaws and good things. With a little work by yourself we can overcome these.
When you buy a gun with trust in the brand, in the end we end up with a very nice gun. RTI is a young company listening to their customers and willing to invest. But we have to invest aswel. For now $1800,- is to much. When RTI fixes the cocking system, nice and smooth like the M3 of Vulcan I am considering again. Until then, no RTI for me. I am keeping the Prophet 2, because I don't know what else to buy.
There is a used Prophet available for trade in the classifieds section right now that includes multiple barrels, extra parts including valves, regs and seals, and the gun is apparently in excellent condition (other than a gunsmithing related scratch). The gentleman is looking for a more traditional rifle in trade.

I like using mine with the 24" shroud on a 20" barrel. Put 4 daystate pulsar baffles in the shroud and knocks down the bark considerably. Put a 2 section 30mm huma on the end and it sounds broke. The sound of the pellet hitting the target confirms that it actually fired. If I could get a peek nosed hammer that would help with the hammer/valve pin noise.
I like using mine with the 24" shroud on a 20" barrel. Put 4 daystate pulsar baffles in the shroud and knocks down the bark considerably. Put a 2 section 30mm huma on the end and it sounds broke. The sound of the pellet hitting the target confirms that it actually fired. If I could get a peek nosed hammer that would help with the hammer/valve pin noise.
Is yours a compact? I was thinking of getting a 24" shroud and adding baffles so I can do away with the moderator.. not sure if it would look goofy...
I have a RTI Prophet Performance in .22. It has not been without faults. I have a lot of issues with the magazines. I have bought a few because they are a bad design and break often. I even bought the magazines that some guy makes with his 3d printer (by the way, they suck too).

The gun had a major leak and I had to send it back to AoA for warranty work. When it did come back from warranty work, the cocking lever was broken. I contacted AoA about the issue. I was given a choice to either send the gun back to AoA for the repair or they could just send me the parts and I could fix the gun myself. I chose to fix it myself

After a while, AoA sent me a new cocking lever with few other parts just in case. I replaced the cocking lever, and I was able to get a few rounds through the gun before I was not able to cock the gun anymore. Really? I was so discussed that it was broke again that I it set aside for about 8 months or so before I picked it up again.

After a while of the gun being broken, I finally got the courage to tear into the gun to see what was up and why it wouldn't cock. I tore into the cocking mechanism and after about 2 days of mucking around with it. I finally got it to cock often enough to shoot the darn thing (I am not sure why it started to cock. I guess it wanted to bond with me first).

As a side note: when the gun stopped cocking, I managed to jam a few - not really sure how many - pellets into the barrel. Remember, this gun does not have a mechanism to stop the gun from double loading pellets.

I tried to unjam the barrel using a gun cleaning rod. I ended up ruining the cleaning rods. I went to Home Depot and picked up a 3 foot zinc rod, secured the barrel in a vise and beat the ever-loving heck barrel and finally I was able to remove the pellets From the barrel.

Luckily, I didn't mess up the barrel while beating the pellets out, (still accurate at 50 yard). Now the O-ring on the probe disintegrated, of course! (the probe pushes the pellets into the barrel. Called AoA. Package of three O-rings for a buck ($1). While on the line to AoA, I purchased a barrel kit in .30 cal.

Another thing to note: the cocking mechanism is not up to par with an $1,800 airgun. My Daystate Revere cocking action is buttery smooth and it cost far less than the $1,800 I paid for this nightmare. There is a screw on the cocking lever that should have had thread lock installed at the factory. The screw unscrews itself all the time and chewed up the metal below it, not sure what to call it 'cause I ain't a gunsmith, and yet I'm learning to be one.

And yet another thing to note: the magazines get stuck, and often. My magazines (I bought extra's because they break) got stuck so many time trying to get the jammed magazine out of the gun that the gun has fallen to the ground a few times - now there are many scratches.

Another thing to note: after many many rounds I finally discovered a trick to help mitigate the magazine jam thing. Smack the magazine on your hand first, before you insert the mag into the gun.

My AEA HPSS in .25 cal is 1/3rd the price and is so much better gun. The funest Airgun I own is my Hastun .30 cal. This break-barrel is giggly fun (if you can cock it, you can shoot it): a .30 cal break-barrel! really? .30 cal? Yep.

Do I recommend the RTI Prophet Performance PCP airgun in .22? Absolutely NOT. It is way too much money, I mean waaaay too much money for such a crappy design. I don't care how good it CAN shoot (when it wants to), I want a gun that can shoot all the time, not when the planets align.

So here's the breakdown of the issues I have had with the RTI Prophet Performance in .22 cal:

Bad leak
Broken cocking lever
Cocking issues
Magazine jams
Barrel jam
Probe O-ring disintegrating

I bought the .30 cal barrel kit, am I a glutton for punishment?

So why did I purchase the Prophet? I saw many positive YouTube reviews and read many written reviews. After seeing all the reviews I became smitten to the gun. I was getting ready to pull the "trigger" on buying the Daystate Delta Wolf. I figured I would save a bunch of money and still get a highly accurate airgun.

And think, I chose to buy this RTI Prophet instead of a Delta Wolf. Damn I am stupid! really **** stupid.
My old Priest 2, with lever upgrade is over 4 years old, is with its 4th owner now, and has many tens of thousands of shots through it. It doesn’t have any real problems. Yes, the cocking effort leaves much to be desired, and is anything but smooth. The regs can be finicky at best, and the are many iterations with slight differences. The cocking effort is my main gripe , and they seem to have addressed that in the P3, but the P2 suffers from the same offset cocking problems, and creepy reg. All that said, the new owner of the Priest loves it, and I really like my Prophet 1, warts and all…
The OP's post- "I am considering buying an RTI Prophet does anyone know of any problems that are common with the prophet?"

Seven responses before mine made no mention whatsoever of the serious valve problems.
It seems post #2 mentioned valve issues, and also said that they have worked them out.

Not sure why all the emotions over such small stuff.

$1,800 one should expect perfection. But that is not the reality, regardless of brand.
"It seems post #2 mentioned valve issues, and also said that they have worked them out."

Correct, that was the only post out of the first EIGHT responses that did not avoid answering the only question the OP asked.

"Not sure why all the emotions over such small stuff."

I am easily triggered by dishonesty, and don't consider it small stuff.

"$1,800 one should expect perfection. But that is not the reality, regardless of brand."

Yes, "reality sucks". No doubt that's why the original poster asked SPECIFICALLY what problems might be inherent in Prophets; in order to make an INFORMED decision before dropping big bucks on an unknown. My buddy did not do that. So I likely saved the OP the same bad experiences my buddy has endured; as detailed in my previous posts.
I will say that RTI does everything they can to help fix problems. My prophet compact 1 had a leaking rear foster and creepy reg. I was able to get the foster removed and sealed bottomed out on an oring vs the sealant glue they used before. They were offering to send me a new reciever block since they used to glue the foster fittings in. They also sent each new version of their reg to get one that was solid. Their warranty works and they are great to work with so fear not on the growing pains as they develope new products and work out kinks.
I have a RTI Prophet Performance in .22. It has not been without faults. I have a lot of issues with the magazines. I have bought a few because they are a bad design and break often. I even bought the magazines that some guy makes with his 3d printer (by the way, they suck too).

The gun had a major leak and I had to send it back to AoA for warranty work. When it did come back from warranty work, the cocking lever was broken. I contacted AoA about the issue. I was given a choice to either send the gun back to AoA for the repair or they could just send me the parts and I could fix the gun myself. I chose to fix it myself

After a while, AoA sent me a new cocking lever with few other parts just in case. I replaced the cocking lever, and I was able to get a few rounds through the gun before I was not able to cock the gun anymore. Really? I was so discussed that it was broke again that I it set aside for about 8 months or so before I picked it up again.

After a while of the gun being broken, I finally got the courage to tear into the gun to see what was up and why it wouldn't cock. I tore into the cocking mechanism and after about 2 days of mucking around with it. I finally got it to cock often enough to shoot the darn thing (I am not sure why it started to cock. I guess it wanted to bond with me first).

As a side note: when the gun stopped cocking, I managed to jam a few - not really sure how many - pellets into the barrel. Remember, this gun does not have a mechanism to stop the gun from double loading pellets.

I tried to unjam the barrel using a gun cleaning rod. I ended up ruining the cleaning rods. I went to Home Depot and picked up a 3 foot zinc rod, secured the barrel in a vise and beat the ever-loving heck barrel and finally I was able to remove the pellets From the barrel.

Luckily, I didn't mess up the barrel while beating the pellets out, (still accurate at 50 yard). Now the O-ring on the probe disintegrated, of course! (the probe pushes the pellets into the barrel. Called AoA. Package of three O-rings for a buck ($1). While on the line to AoA, I purchased a barrel kit in .30 cal.

Another thing to note: the cocking mechanism is not up to par with an $1,800 airgun. My Daystate Revere cocking action is buttery smooth and it cost far less than the $1,800 I paid for this nightmare. There is a screw on the cocking lever that should have had thread lock installed at the factory. The screw unscrews itself all the time and chewed up the metal below it, not sure what to call it 'cause I ain't a gunsmith, and yet I'm learning to be one.

And yet another thing to note: the magazines get stuck, and often. My magazines (I bought extra's because they break) got stuck so many time trying to get the jammed magazine out of the gun that the gun has fallen to the ground a few times - now there are many scratches.

Another thing to note: after many many rounds I finally discovered a trick to help mitigate the magazine jam thing. Smack the magazine on your hand first, before you insert the mag into the gun.

My AEA HPSS in .25 cal is 1/3rd the price and is so much better gun. The funest Airgun I own is my Hastun .30 cal. This break-barrel is giggly fun (if you can cock it, you can shoot it): a .30 cal break-barrel! really? .30 cal? Yep.

Do I recommend the RTI Prophet Performance PCP airgun in .22? Absolutely NOT. It is way too much money, I mean waaaay too much money for such a crappy design. I don't care how good it CAN shoot (when it wants to), I want a gun that can shoot all the time, not when the planets align.

So here's the breakdown of the issues I have had with the RTI Prophet Performance in .22 cal:

Bad leak
Broken cocking lever
Cocking issues
Magazine jams
Barrel jam
Probe O-ring disintegrating

I bought the .30 cal barrel kit, am I a glutton for punishment?

So why did I purchase the Prophet? I saw many positive YouTube reviews and read many written reviews. After seeing all the reviews I became smitten to the gun. I was getting ready to pull the "trigger" on buying the Daystate Delta Wolf. I figured I would save a bunch of money and still get a highly accurate airgun.

And think, I chose to buy this RTI Prophet instead of a Delta Wolf. Damn I am stupid! really **** stupid.
You either got a real lemon, or have incredibly bad luck.

My Prophet performance is not quite two years old yet, and has well over 10,000 shots on the odometer. Not a single magazine problem. No leaks. and no regulator issues. The only minor problem I had was a crack in the cocking lever. It cracked at the outside of an unused hole in the lever. It did not break, just a small crack. After a quick call to Talon Tunes, Tony phoned me and sent me a new lever (with no extra hole). Changed that in no time and it has been back to 100% ever since.

You should really drop a note to RTI about your problems.