Well, here is some Love'in for the DF II, 22 cal,
I have been testing mine with these results............
But first a Question,
If you have an air inlet valve hole of .140.0" and one at 156.2",
would they produce/have the same pressure, at the same number of pumps, when pumped with the same air volume?
Would the Air Ventury effect of the air inlet hole of the valve,
store more internal valve pressure with the .140" hole,
as compared to the 156" hole?
OEM air hole was .102".
This is in ref to tests G & H,
Test G H ***
1 pump = 262--252 -10fps
2 pumps= 377--305 -72fps
3 pumps= 390--383 -7 fps
4 pumps= 436--416 -20fps
5 pumps= 488--449 -39fps
6 pumps= 498--524 +74fps
7 pumps= 639--567 -72fps
8 pumps= 754--600 -154fps
9 pumps= 810--633 -177fps
10 pumps= 833-690* -143fps
11 pumps= 833-711 -122fps
12 pumps= 833-754 -79fps
13 pumps= 770-833
14 pumps= 770-833
15 pumps= 770-833
There was no extra air left after any pump test, for any shot.
* Target level for 10 pumps @ 750-800 fps.
*** Difference between H to G, in fps
G test was with the .145.0" dia valve air inlet hole, no other changes.
H test was with the .156.2" dia valve air inlet hole, no other changes
Summary of all the tests = 22 cal = 14 gr Crosman ammo
Test A B C D E E-1 F G H H-1
1 pump = 265-288-262-255-259-269-269-262--252-236
2 pumps= 288-321-380-383-383------393-377--305-367
3 pumps= 322-354-462-465-465------452-390--383-449
4 pumps= 465-361-524-528-521------479-436--416-495
5 pumps= 515-597-574-570-567-574-538-488--449-511
6 pumps= 567-610-620-600-600------623-498--524-574
7 pumps= 600-616-643-626-623------646-639--567-597
8 pumps= 633-620-672-649-643------652-754--600-613
9 pumps= 652-651-688-659-662------708-810--633-757
10 pumps= 666-688-698-672-679-692-728-833-690-813
11 pumps= 678-----------688-683------744-833-711-856
12 pumps= 679-----------702-712------770-833-754-869
13 pumps= 681-----------712-718------770-833-801
14 pumps= 680----------------721------770-833-801
15 pumps= 679----------------728-741-770-833-801
There was no extra air left after any pump test, for any shot.
(A Test)
Here is the full 15 shot+ pumps test, 3 pumps per the number,
pumps were a complete cycle, open then closed arm pump arm,
per each pump stroke, with the OEM 18/19# spring, full length,
OEM Hammer weight = 875 grs, 14 gr Crosman ammo
(B Test)
1 complete turn on pump rod, only changed to this spring
A 11# Flat wire spring, 5" long, .415" O/S Dia, .252" I/S dia, 35 coils,
.023" thick Flat wire, coil bound at less than 1.030", opened spring
tunnel of OEM Hammer up to .420" Dia to fit Flat Wire Spring.
(C Test)
1 >10 pumps x 3 each per pump,
2 complete turns on pump rod head, nothing else changed,
Using the same above spring/hammer.
(D Test)
1 >15 pumps x 3 tests per pump number,
2 complete turns on pump rod head, same spring/hammer as above
All air passageways opened up to .145" Dia (reamed), removed air filter
at valve inlet.
(E Test)
Same test as all the previous tests, the only item changed was the hammer spring. Using a OEM 6/7# Storm Rider Round wire spring, 3.360" long,
.384" O/S Dia, .300" I/S dia, 25 coils, .035" thick round wire, coil bound at 1.020", 14 gr Crosman ammo, OEM Hammer,
All air passageways opened up to .145" Dia (reamed), removed air filter at valve inlet.
(E-1 Test
I found this to be very interesting with this DF II, 22cal rifle
I lubed all pivot points, and the oil wiper seal and shot these Oiled 3 pump tests. Same as above tests.
(F Test)
Same test as all the previous tests, the only item changed
was the hammer weight to 533 gr and Hammer spring weight of 9-10#'s.
Using a Flat wire spring, 2.500" long, .415" O/S Dia, .265" I/S Dia,.022" thick Flat wire, 25 coils, 14 gr Crosman ammo. 2 complete turns on pump rod head.
All air passageways opened up to .145" Dia (reamed), removed air filter at valve inlet.
(G Test)
Same test as the above test, only item changed was, all air passageways opened up to .145.0" Dia.
(H Test)
Same test as the above test, all air passageways opened up to .1562" Dia.
There was no extra air left after any pump test, for any shot.
Thanks All,
Your thoughts and suggestions.................