Notos or p-rod

Much like the Avenger and some of its variants, the notos will find its place as an inexpensive, get abit more than you paid for entry level option, imo, no ones going to break any world records with on

Idk why people on the internet love to argue, I stated my opinions and you can't argue them but enjoy your notos lol..
No one is “arguing” or talking about “world records”. There are many ways to “git it done”. That we are “all” air gunners is what’s sweet… Be well, we all share a common bond, air gunning…
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No one is “arguing” or talking about “world records”. There are many ways to “git it done”. That we are “all” air gunners is what’s sweet… Be well, we all share a common bond, air gunning…

Threads like these stir up conflict and 'argument' naturally. I gave a very neutral opinion that really is 100% true, it's a successor to pp700...
If you surf the field target section you find out what pistol is recommended. It's usually the Prod or the Prod target model. I have yet to see a veteran shooter recommend a notos. The prod is great doing what its made to do. Go read the hunting threads you'll see 2 guys shooting almost 500 birds and one is using a Prod tuned down to 9 fpe and taking birds 30 yards away. The only place the notos wins is the power. And the low power guys are still giddy over its power. Go figure.
Much like the Avenger and some of its variants, the notos will find its place as an inexpensive, get abit more than you paid for entry level option, imo, no ones going to break any world records with on

Idk why people on the internet love to argue, I stated my opinions and you can't argue them but enjoy your notos lol..
I do enjoy my Notos lol never argued, simply put my opinion why it's an improved gun. Just to show there's differences in opinions.

It is interesting your opinion is what it is even though you've never owned either. I've owned both and have the hands on experience with them. This is a thread about choosing one or the other. I know your happy with the Mrod you've owned for years. That's great. We all have different wants and needs. While the Notos don't fit yours, honestly it doesn't matter if you see the need for them or not as it fits others like mine.

And lol to world records my guns are for pesting simply. Does a helluva job at that job for a very low price. All that matters to me. Have my Evol Mini if I want top notch. Also only does pesting work. No attempts on world records here regardless.
If you surf the field target section you find out what pistol is recommended. It's usually the Prod or the Prod target model. I have yet to see a veteran shooter recommend a notos. The prod is great doing what its made to do. Go read the hunting threads you'll see 2 guys shooting almost 500 birds and one is using a Prod tuned down to 9 fpe and taking birds 30 yards away. The only place the notos wins is the power. And the low power guys are still giddy over its power. Go figure.
I know the thread and while it's fine they use them and I consider @igolfat8 my friend he also just got a new Prod and returned it and wouldnt recommend them again. The Notos is a better gun. I tuned mine down to around 12fpe and have taken over 50+ birds in a week with it. Out to 45yds. With only a red dot. The Prod is fine but compared out of the box with the Notos at a much cheaper price, sad to say the Prod is out performed plain and simple in about every way.
I just jumped back into the P-Rod game after selling mine about a year and half ago. I bought mine new from Pyramid Air during the 20% off Benjamin/Crosman sale and got a free Benjamin pump too.

I thought about the Notos, which is getting some great love, but ultimately went back to the P-Rod. It has a longer and proven track record. The Notos is the "shiny penny" and I like to see if it stands the test of time with regards to reliability, parts availability (aftermarket and factory), and how long it stays on the market.

I'm not saying I won't get a Notos in the future, but for now, I'll stick with the P-Rod.
Here’s my opinion for what it’s worth. A lot of guys like their prods for the same reason. Theyve been unchanged since their debut, aka ”stood the test of time”
now this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but like anything else, technology has improved in the airgun world. Valve design, regulation, efficiency, use of different materials. All make for a “better” package than before. the Notos is the new kid on the block, and it has all the new tech in it to boot. It’s regulated, so more consistent off the bat, it’s lighter, for easier handling, it’s more efficient, just overall a “better” platform than the prod. Will I get flack from the prod guys for this? Yup, but I don’t care. In the end, you’re comparing 2 different guns for he same purpose.
as will smith would say,

”old and busted(prod)……….new hotness(notos)”
Here’s my opinion for what it’s worth. A lot of guys like their prods for the same reason. Theyve been unchanged since their debut, aka ”stood the test of time”
now this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but like anything else, technology has improved in the airgun world. Valve design, regulation, efficiency, use of different materials. All make for a “better” package than before. the Notos is the new kid on the block, and it has all the new tech in it to boot. It’s regulated, so more consistent off the bat, it’s lighter, for easier handling, it’s more efficient, just overall a “better” platform than the prod. Will I get flack from the prod guys for this? Yup, but I don’t care. In the end, you’re comparing 2 different guns for he same purpose.
as will smith would say,

”old and busted(prod)……….new hotness(notos)”
I thought you were gunna say "keep my wife's name out your....."
No touch trigger Orange!

I do like the trigger on the Prod, but seeing the examples of Prods mounted in actual stocks, made me make my own.

That leads to the Mrod trigger. Oh my is that nice.

View attachment 348766
Yep, try this or that with a Notos - and I am NOT a hater, just sayin...
No touch trigger Orange!

I do like the trigger on the Prod, but seeing the examples of Prods mounted in actual stocks, made me make my own.

That leads to the Mrod trigger. Oh my is that nice.

notosView attachment 348766
Try that with a Notos
Wave that Chinese flag high . And what ever fits the narrative, doesn't have to be true. All the latest technology, wow a regulator. BFD

Umarex Notos Carbine Specs
Max Velocity700 fpsMeasured with 12 gr ammo
Weight4.0 lbs
SKUBP2220, BP2220X
ActionBolt Action
Length18.00 in
Product Weight2.70 lbs
Barrel MaterialSteel
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Ahhh….the good ole ‘Murica’ response. It’s made in China, it it MUST be bad. Tell Me though, can you really say that nothing you own is made in China? its A typical statement from an uneducated person. Not even worth responding. Btw. Regulator? Pretty damn big deal! There’s a reason there are no “high end guns” without one, unless they’re big bore 😒
Ahhh….the good ole ‘Murica’ response. It’s made in China, it it MUST be bad. Tell Me though, can you really say that nothing you own is made in China? its A typical statement from an uneducated person. Not even worth responding. Btw. Regulator? Pretty damn big deal! There’s a reason there are no “high end guns” without one, unless they’re big bore 😒

I guess you've never heard the Daystate Huntsman ? Or the Marauder ect .. The Prod gives you 3 magazines with small change in fps. Really go read igolfat8s record bird pesting. His shooting buddy is using a Prod and shooting just as many birds as him with a Prod that coats 1/3 of the price of his setup. And WTF is with you jokers having to trash the Prod. Get over yourself and quit trashing something that is just what some wanted. A barn and 30+ yard lightweight solid carbine. And check you facts next time big mouth.
A barn and 30+ yard lightweight solid carbine. And check you facts next time big mouth.
There's your problem. It's not a solid carbine. If you want a solid one you gotta spend some money for an adapter and AR stock. The stock that comes with it sits extremely low and is far from stable. Ive owned 2 and after spending way too much money on them to get them to be something it wasnt sold them at a big loss.

And again you think he's the only one shooting like that? I killed hundreds as a kid with a cheap break barrel from Kmart. Killed thousands in my life time but haven't posted about it so my experience isnt important since its not on the internet lol. 30yds isn't special from a PCP. The Prod better perform well in that situation for the cost. The Notos hits very well above its price point. Defend the Prod all you would like but it doesn't out perform it in anyway shape or form out the box besides maybe the trigger but once adjusted its as good as my Prod triggers ever were.

Oh and this is coming from a guy who owned 6 different Mrods, 2 Prods, 2 Discoverys and 2 Maximus with tons of aftermarket parts. Used to be a big Benjamin fan. Until they got out beat by other brands. Theyre not bad guns but there are better out there.
I guess you've never heard the Daystate Huntsman ? Or the Marauder ect .. The Prod gives you 3 magazines with small change in fps. Really go read igolfat8s record bird pesting. His shooting buddy is using a Prod and shooting just as many birds as him with a Prod that coats 1/3 of the price of his setup. And WTF is with you jokers having to trash the Prod. Get over yourself and quit trashing something that is just what some wanted. A barn and 30+ yard lightweight solid carbine. And check you facts next time big mouth.
I think my facts beat your facts. You mention igolfat8. He bought a new prod, and sent it back. I’m guessing you didn’t read that part either, as it seems you cherry pick your material.
I’ll watch my mouth when I say something out of line, or false. So far……I’m good!
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I think my facts beat your facts. You mention igolfat8. He bought a new prod, and sent it back. I’m guessing you didn’t read that part either, as it seems you cherry pick your material.
I’ll watch my mouth when I say something out of line, or false. So far……I’m good!

That's nice you keep bringing up one guys Prod. It's not a problem for 99% of the owners. And his partners has been troubled free. Do a search for Fx, daystate, brocock , Umerex , see how many guys have leaks . Easily fx would have more leaks . And there's owners that want something perfect from the manufacturer and others that will fix the issues. Because fixing leaks are pcp 101 ? Haven't touched mine since I've owned it. Ok I have adjusted the hammer screw and hammer throw without removing the stock. I been through both regs on my fx and pulled the barrel 5x. Haven't touched the Prod other than simple adjustment unobstructed with a hex wrenches . Keep crying wolf about ONE GUYS Prod just makes owners of Prods realize what kind of mentality were arguing with. Like you see Prod troubles all the time . Wake up dip stick. Do you realize how many Prods are in use . Not obsolete not even close. Wang Chung.
The parts for the Prod and Mrod are, drum roll please, made in CHINA. Have been for a few years now. Assembled in America yes, but it is what it is.

Prod costs more out the gate, doesn't have a moderator OR the adapter, the stock suck without adding felt to stop wiggle AND a riser which usually looks out of place and cheap with a piece of pipe cover foam and zip ties. Theyre not as accurate as the notos, and I get 24 shots before coming off the regulator with the heavy pellets which is exachow many shots 3 Prod mags comes out too.

IMO, the Prod is too light and I move too much off hand with it. The notos is just about right. Adjustable stock, don't have to pay for all that.

Look, I dumped close too $700 into a Prod and I will say, trigger aside, the notos STOMPS it for a 3rd of that price.

I sold off my Prods, and my crosman Lego guns. I fought against buying a notos because didn't believe the hype. I caved AND GLAD I DID. I can't count how many squirrels I've already dropped. Longest shot was today, 48 yards off hand, head shot on top of an old electric pole. Clipped a stsrling at 63 yards, but if I had a bit more glass than the bugbuster, it would've been down.

This argument is almost like guys who swear by their small block chevy they dumped a bunch of money into, only ro get beat by a bone stock 392 scat pack dodge. It's new tech and thats plain amd simple. The world is evolving(apparently not society) and we gotta just accept that for the truth that it is.
That's nice you keep bringing up one guys Prod. It's not a problem for 99% of the owners. And his partners has been troubled free. Do a search for Fx, daystate, brocock , Umerex , see how many guys have leaks . Easily fx would have more leaks . And there's owners that want something perfect from the manufacturer and others that will fix the issues. Because fixing leaks are pcp 101 ? Haven't touched mine since I've owned it. Ok I have adjusted the hammer screw and hammer throw without removing the stock. I been through both regs on my fx and pulled the barrel 5x. Haven't touched the Prod other than simple adjustment unobstructed with a hex wrenches . Keep crying wolf about ONE GUYS Prod just makes owners of Prods realize what kind of mentality were arguing with. Like you see Prod troubles all the time . Wake up dip stick. Do you realize how many Prods are in use . Not obsolete not even close. Wang Chung.
Someone’s a little butt hurt over comments here. Don’t forget who started pointing fingers and blindly standing behind their brand. You’re acting like those fx guys you talk about. I’ve owned a prod, I haven’t owned a notos, but I can see both on paper, and from experience, that the notos is just WAY beyond the prod. Does it make the prod a bad gun? Nope. Just outdated. The mrod is outdated too, and so are some high end guns too including daystate, fx, and raw. There’s a term we use in the fire service, that applies to this subject too;

The fire service, 275 years unimpeded by progress.

Same applies here. The prod was a great gun for its time. That time has moved on. Move on with it, or get left behind. I kinda feel like I know where you’re staying though.

P.s. YOU brought up one guys prod first. I corrected you. That is all!
Get the notos. I don't own one yet, but I've had a Prod and I wouldn't waste the money on one these days. They should be under $250 now, can't believe crosman expects over $400 for one.
I agree, I enjoyed mine but it felt cheaply made and way over priced. My Notos is an inexpensive bargain,