Gammo whisper fusion pro scopes

What kinda scopes and mounts?

I went through a hand full on my whisper fusion mach1 .22. But this athlon talos on the gamo package scope mount held up under it.. of gamos package scopes only one holds zero but poor focus..


Gamo package

Outside them its pretty much rattled them out ..
I’ve tried several scopes and brackets and nothing is holding zero? Keeps walking to the right after about ten shots no matter what I do? Any recommendations would be great.
You need to isolate if it's the scope mount moving or the scope going bad. (or your gun or maybe you...or maybe a combination).

1. Put a piece of painter's tape to the base of the scope mount and put a piece of painter's tape below the first tape on the action. Then put a witness mark on both tape. Then shoot the rifle to see if your scope mount is moving.
2. Shoot open sights to see if the gun will group. If it's grouping, it might be a scope problem.
3. Alternatively, you could also mount a laser to double check POI shifts on your scope. Assuming that your laser and laser mount doesn't move. Shoot your rifle and If you see POI could be your scope.
4. swap scope to a PCP or a CO2 rifle (less recoil) and see if that combination groups.

But Just in case it isn't the scope, you might want to go thru these steps to rule out other causes. This is a Standard Springer not group check list I just developed.

A standard Springer NOT Grouping Check List
(maybe others can add to this)

1. check all the screws including scope screws (snug them up, and locktite them if they keep loosening)
2. tissue test (possible breech seal issues)
3. chrono the gun (is it consistent? if not, look at piston seal, spring, excessive lube to no lube, )
4. Troubleshoot possible scope issue (Shoot open sight to check if the scope is busted, swap scopes, mount a laser then use your scope to double check POI shifts).
5. Clean your barrel
6. Try quality pellets, Crosman CPH, CPL, JSB, H&N, RWS, etc, Try different weight pellets
7. lighten your trigger (be careful with this one)
8. Tune/detune your rifle (detuning might make it more pleasant to shoot and help you manage recoil thus shrinking your group)
9. Try the artillery hold and try not to shoot your gun resting on a solid rest/tripod (a hand under the forearm, softer padding? might help). Really be consistent on your position and trigger control. Shoot at 10 yards first to get good grouping before going to longer yardages. For me, if I can't group 3/8" at 10 yards, I tweaks things until I see good groupings.
10. check your crown
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I'm gunna throw an odd ball suggestion (like I like to do😅). It's worked a couple of times for me for some reason...idk why but🤷‍♂️ it's worth a try
Take off your scope. "Relax" the turrets by unscrewing them until they can't or ya know...very veryyyy far out.(just count the full rotations)
Then shake the bejesus out of it for a couple of seconds. Remount and sloooooooooowly click your turrets back "in" about half of the number of turns you ckunted previously l. Give her a test fire and she how far off it is vs where half would be. Something inside could have gotten "bound up". Sort of a "reset"
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Anpther thing is the gamo rrr its soft and the stop pin hole would egg out from recoil with thin or skinny pins and cause scope shift .. i made a bushing to help stop this and its worked great .

rrr damage2.jpg

Also a fresh new gamo is pretty harsh bit should calm down a bit with lots of shooting . Just takes some time for one to.. i cursed mine often but ended up one of my better shooters in the end..
Anpther thing is the gamo rrr its soft and the stop pin hole would egg out from recoil with thin or skinny pins and cause scope shift .. i made a bushing to help stop this and its worked great .

View attachment 373960
View attachment 373961

Also a fresh new gamo is pretty harsh bit should calm down a bit with lots of shooting . Just takes some time for one to.. i cursed mine often but ended up one of my better shooters in the end..
I’ve got the egged out locking hole, and the drills, reamers and bushing to correct it, thanks will give it a shot
What kinda scopes and mounts?

I went through a hand full on my whisper fusion mach1 .22. But this athlon talos on the gamo package scope mount held up under it.. of gamos package scopes only one holds zero but poor focus..

View attachment 373949

Gamo package
View attachment 373950

Outside them its pretty much rattled them out ..
I first went with my Gammo package scope, and then a tasco, waiting to receive my bugbuster which I was told would take the double action.
I first went with my Gammo package scope, and then a tasco, waiting to receive my bugbuster which I was told would take the double action.
Maybe , lots use them on springers.

Regardless scoping a springer can be a chase.. ive had recomended ones just fall to the wayside..

One thing that can kinda pay off is a scope/ brand with a no questions asked warranty.. like that athlon has and ive used it with no issues and pretty quick turnaround... Then im a no sights no sale on a gun. Si of i bust a scope or somthing the gun still got sights to keep shooting wile i replace the optic or i just enjoy open sight shooting anyway ..

Just to say my hw/R9 has busted scopes as well so dont think it just being gamo.... Its a dice roll on most any ..

Good luck
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