N/A 50fpe .25

I'm kicking around the idea of getting a .25 capable of around 50fpe or around 830fps with the king heavies. Why you may ask? Similar trajectory to what I've been shooting for years with .22s in the 28-30fpe range but much better BC for windy days compared to my 16gr JSBs. Probably a bullpup as I'd want it under 36". Curious what you guys would recommend? Oh nothing FX as I don't feel like messing with harmonic tuning or poi changes. Only reason I'm asking is I haven't had a .25 in years. Only one I had that I really enjoyed was one of the first .25 Taipan Veteran Standards in the states. I do wish I could get that one back. But I'm not sure it's really capable of that power with a decent shot count? Anyways just something I'm kicking around to be easier to shoot in the wind compared to my .22 without going to slugs. Oh and budget around 1k maybe.
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Many good alternatives:

- Red Wolf NON HP
- Wolverine HP
- Vulcan 3 700 mm
- Uragan 2 700 mm
- Sidewinder.
- Brocock Sniper HR Magnum
- Borocock Ghost.
- Kalibrgun Cricket

You can ask AoA to change the bottle of the Daystate for a 580 cc or a 700 cc.

With any of those you will be super happy. Only Vulcan 3 and Uragan 2 will shot perfectly out of the box both, pellets and slugs.

Your choice !
I’m guessing airforce airguns are not what you are looking for? They are an obvious solution but unregulated and single shot loading so not for everyone. Also not a bullpup…

I enjoyed my talon p, but whenI replaced the 12”barrel with an 18” and switched to a standard sized tank it really performed well. With minimum hammer spring, it is about 50 fpe, lots of power to spare and decent shot count with the 500cc bottle.

airforce sells one model that is more or less what I ended up with. I think a condor ss would have an 18” barrel with a baffled shroud.

I have several mods of AF guns and if I had to get rid of them all and start over, that would likely be the one I would start with
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Get another Veteran, they make bigger plenums for them now so you should be able to get the power you want, with more effeciency. Unless you really do need the shot count, then get a bottle gun. If you are patient you could wait for AAA to put out the .25 he has coming out. A Huben is very adjustable too, compact, and a semi, ask CTairgunner about his. You have a lot of choices these days.

edit: I missed the $1K budget too, looking at the responces I'd say most did. Get a used Vet and a bigger plenum, forget shot count, farmers can't spend all day blasting critters anyway, right?
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Lots of good choices for now. I did edit about the budget a few min after posting. Some of these I'd love but not sure I'll be able to drop that much on a gun in the near future. I do have a scope to use already so that wouldn't be an added expense. A V3 would be nice. Shots wise I don't need alot. I'd be happy with 30-40 really but wouldn't mind more. Lately alot of my shooting is 78-100yds. My Evol has the accuracy it's just the variable wind that can be a bugger being a Mil difference between shots. This wouldn't be the gun I shoot all the time but mainly in the windy months. It might be more than I think though. Maybe an older Cricket or Taipan Long would be a pretty good fit? Was hoping there were other options maybe cheaper but not looking like it.
If you previously loved your Veteran, cost wise why not go with one again? They pop up rather frequently around your price point, usually with a package if matching goodies to sweeten the deal.

30 shots of 50fpe is not too lofty of a goal with a few minor adjustments, out of a standard, without adding a plenum extension.

A long turns into an entirely different set of options, especially once you add a plenum extension.

If a rested shooter is what you're looking for, get the long. If mobility is a requirement get the Standard.
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Less expensive airguns can pretty easily make 50 fpe in 25 caliber too. My 25 Avenger is tuned to about 42 with 25 grain but the regulator is at only about 2100 so there is plenty of room to turn it up a bit. My 25 caliber P35 is tuned even lower but the tune it came with was over 40 fpe with heavies. Not sure it will make 50 but it should get close. I'm getting around 70 shots with it's current 32 fpe tune (20 grain FTTs). The 40 mm longer barrel on the Stoeger bullshark would make sense to get to 50 fpe. Might need a plenum extension. I may find out when my new barrel arrives for my P35-25. Probably doesn't make sense to have it and my P35-22 tuned to the same fpe. I will be trying to get either Baracuda 31 grain or JSB heavies up to around 50 fpe. But only if they are accurate. The FTTs it is currently tuned to were more accurate with the current barrel but we'll have to see what the new one likes.
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The Vet Standard .25 I used to have was putting out 57FPE and very accurate.

Sold it cause I don't need or want that much power.

Adjusted the hammer spring to get 865fps for 57 FPE with 34 grain MKII JSBs.

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