Taipan Taipan Veteran II Tactical aka Ugly Fat Pig

After the recent thread where some of you opined that the new Veteran II Tactical was a 14 pound ugly pig, my ‘ugly porker‘ showed up today, a 700 mm version in .25. Tony at Talon must be channeling Kafka since he performed a metamorphosis to transform the bloated fat ugly pig I was supposed to get into a (IMHO) sleek, no nonsense long range tactical shooter. I didn’t weigh it but comparing it to the (too many) other similar air rifles in my stable it feels like the 8 to 9 pounds the Talon website lists and not anywhere close to 14 lbs. And as to be expected from Taipan, the fit and finish is outstanding.

It’s raining here in SE Cheeseland today so all I had the chance to do to it so far is mount the scope, check the mechanical function (seems smooth) and load the magazines. Per the local weather folks (who are usually wrong) it’s supposed to clear mid day tomorrow so the first outing will have to wait. I’ll follow up asap. David
Where’s the picture of your ugly porker?
Here are a couple of quick snaps sitting next to one of my favorites, FX Maverick Compact .30. Longer as to be expected because of the bbl length and longer moderator but not noticeably ‘porkier’. Please note the so called ‘ugly’ Taipan has the same ‘tactical’ vibe as the Maverick. Haven’t heard them being pilloried as ugly. David


Well, appearance is in the eye of the beholder. But in terms of quality and performance, the Taipan is better than anything FX has ever made, with the possible exception of the Boss/Royale platform. You'll like it.
My first experience with Taipan but I have been very pleased with other air guns originating in the Czech Republic. I have an AGT Vixen and a Urgan 2 Prince Compact that I cannot say enough good about. My Katran Long X which I posted here a week or so is also a joy. None of this surprises me as I am a lifelong firearm target shooter and CZ and I have a long and happy relationship. David
Looking forward to what you think of the gun you mounted on that moderator.
Yes, that is one huge can… and the HPA bottle on the Vet II looks like it was an afterthought… Like Forrest Gump said, “handsome is, as handsome does”… the Vet II, not porky, but definitely not pretty.
Looking forward to what you think of the gun you mounted on that moderator.
That’s the standard moderator for the 700 mm model, but they offer a smaller one as well. I want to see whether it’s as effective as it is long before I switch it, if at all. (It’s damn near as big as the entire Leshiy 2!!)

Supposedly the longer the more sound moderation. For example, my STO Pugio is pretty effective for its short length but if you go to the STO website their ne plus ultra is reeaalll loooong and supposedly
much more effective than the Pugio. I guess in moderators as in all things bigger is better 😏
I hope it works. You can always put it on a 450cc dirt bike. It might actually be longer than what’s on my MX bike. Good heavens, it really looks outrageous. Or did they do it to distract customers from that bottle that looks like a Lego Crosman build. It’s ugly as hell but I’m 99.9% sure it will be a performer. Just keep it away from mirrors.
Yes, that is one huge can… and the HPA bottle on the Vet II looks like it was an afterthought… Like Forrest Gump said, “handsome is, as handsome does”… the Vet II, not porky, but definitely not pretty.
Is the whole tube the plenum or is it part plenum, part main tank? If it’s all plenum, that’s an unnecessary amount of plenum for small calibers. They need to shorten the tube so the bottle won’t be so far forward. If they do that then it will look like every other tactical bullpup.
I don’t think Taipan ‘needs’ to shorten the tube. The current configuration is not a result of a fashion choice.

Go to the Taipan website. There are animations showing the construction of both the Standard and the Tactical model. These show that the primary differences are the stocks, the former the fuller more traditional furniture stripped off and replaced by the minimalist ‘rail’ with the same trigger assembly mounted directly to it on the Tactical model. Both use the same ‘air tube’ (plenum I assume) on both models, and the 300cc air tube on the standard replaced by the 480cc Kevlar bottle on a drop down fitting to clear the barrel/moderator on the Tactical. The same animation shows the two different lengths of moderator screwed on the end of the barrel, so they are interchangeabl.

The drop down and forward placement of the air bottle is to accommodate the half again larger boost in air capacity and not the aesthetic choice that you criticize. Again, simply form over function and I for one prefer to pick my guns for their increased function not how they look. YMMV. David
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I hope it works. You can always put it on a 450cc dirt bike. It might actually be longer than what’s on my MX bike. Good heavens, it really looks outrageous. Or did they do it to distract customers from that bottle that looks like a Lego Crosman build. It’s ugly as hell but I’m 99.9% sure it will be a performer. Just keep it away from mirrors.
What’s with you guys? Lemmings? The chorus is it’s ugly and looks ‘outrageous’ even though it’s not that different than a slew of other ‘tactical’ models such as a lot of the FX, Brocock, etc. models with the air bottle hung under the barrel.

The moderator ’looks’ grotesque, never mind that it will function more efficiently than the shorter model you can choose if you care more for looks than performance.

The 480cc bottle and bottle placement is a ‘Lego’ look, forget the fact that it provides a whopping increase in the critical factor of shot count. And where would you put it to satisfy your aesthetic sensibilities?

So much for reasoned discourse
