Anyone using the air guns more lately?

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The scamdemic is over, man.
Please don't start feeding it again.
Can't lie. I miss those times... Business was never better and the world was devoid of people. It was glorious, at least for me.

I'll forever fondly remember having Miami all to myself.
The China virus is around again. I've seen a few folks with it. Several have it at a nursing home I know of. Including a lady over 100 (103?) who has it for about the 5th time. A friend and his wife had it last week. Nurses are wearing the masks again some places. One told me they should just treat it like the flu because that's about all it is since it mutated. And will continue to.
Don't forget to wear your mask when driving around by yourself in your car. And we all wear them when we go to a peaceful protest. Along with your molotov cocktail, gas mask, and bricks.
As for COVID, a good friend of mine nearly died from it, but for the grace of God. It was real for some people. I had it, but not to that extreme.

As for scarcity, it is nearly but not quite back to normal. I was able to finally get some PB brass for a particular caliber that hadn't been available (except from scalpers) since 2020.

As for shooting more...I certainly find more fun shooting my airguns and reach for them more, but have darn little shooting time this year in general. I've even only been squirrel hunting once, and hopefully will yet get to go before the real winter sets in.
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I know multiple people died from Covid, I know many had very mild symptoms and no one still really knows why it kills some. Then again same with flu but covid is definitely nastier. Take reasonable precautions and kept healthy and you should most likely be fine.

But the thread sure got me dreaming of roll back the clock 2 years, I sure as hell shot a lot of lead and not to mention less grey hairs. LOL
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