What Are Your Favorite AGN Member Handles?

Now that I think about it, I like the handle @nervoustrig as well. I thought @beerthief was a funny handle. I pictured some high school delinquent riding around swiping kegs to sponsor the weekend kegger.
the original handle was nervous trigger, at least that's what he was called "on the other forum" maybe at the time of creation here the max length he could use forced him to go with this truncated version.

I've always liked "cereal_killer" as a handle.

Nice post
AKA Neo, Odoyle & probably others he had used. He definitely kept things stirred up. Until he stirred TOO much.
I'm one of the people who joined AGN on its first day and again when it required everyone to rejoin. Yo, Doyle, or whatever his name is was the reason I stopped posting regularly. His penchant for hijacking threads pissed me off so much that I had to either stop posting or go off on him. I decided it wasn't worth the hassle and just stopped posting.
I'm one of the people who joined AGN on its first day and again when it required everyone to rejoin. Yo, Doyle, or whatever his name is was the reason I stopped posting regularly. His penchant for hijacking threads pissed me off so much that I had to either stop posting or go off on him. I decided it wasn't worth the hassle and just stopped posting.
In those years ... am 100% convinced he had several log in names as well IP address's. All the praise and forum ratings on his primary account/s DID NOT JIVE to his content or actual knowledge. Self serving inflation and braggart tactics abounded !!! Smelled a stinker way early on.