Daystate Red Wolf HP programmer

Have just recently purchased the Red Wolf HP tuner programmer new. It doesn't seem to come with any pictures or instructions regarding the interface leads and the connection orientation. The connector in question (M/F), where one side, the female has 4 leads attached and one intentionally left blank. The male side has 5 leads (one totally shrink wrapped) attached to all pins, and unfortunately this connector can be put together two ways. Which side does the shrink wrapped wire align to, the blank pin hole on the female connector or the other side where the connector has a wire lead to it? Your input would be greatly appreciated.
My suggestion is that you view some of the tutorial videos on how to use the programmer. I'm pretty technical and the Daystate programmer is something I've not attempted myself (I went the Heliboard route).

Here's on to get you started:
Thank you for your input on this. I have reviewed the videos made by AOA and AEAC, many times, for the purpose of learning the sequence of steps necessary for programming the Red Wolf HP and I am very confident I will not have any issues with doing it. Neither of the videos touch on the subject of the interface connector in question. I did finally get an answer from tech that, 1. if the connector is plugged together incorrectly the programmer will just not read the files stored in the electronics of the rifle, and 2. (My major concern) that it will not hurt or foul up the electronics if it is put together incorrectly, just unplug, turn it around and plug back in.
Thank you both for all your inputs to the issue I had. Sorry I haven't responded to these sooner due to family matters that side lined me for awhile. I had received a response form tech support at AoA which indicated the black shrink tubed wire goes to black wire on the other connector. If done the other way it would not hurt the electronics, and it just would not read the data stored in the processor.
I did review all the videos per your suggestions, countless times, and felt very confident that I would not screw anything up. The most important thing I gathered from the video was to write everything down before attempting to modify any of the data. I am glad I did because my confidence of not screwing anything up was shattered, and I succeeded in erasing everything, I mean everything. Once I settled down, I was able to restore everything, and then adjusted what I needed to in order to reduce the FPE to 20 ft lbs. Again thank you both for taking the time to respond.
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