Having now owned and tested my first-gen Huben GK1 .22 semi-auto pistol long enough to conclude it averages 1.4 - 1.5" center-to-center nineteen-shot/full-magazine groups at 50 yards from bench-rest when topped with a 16X rifle scope, I switched to a Leupold red-dot sight to explore more practical applications and accuracy potentials from this actual air PISTOL. Truly a handgun, and of phenomenal power, it is a handgun hunter's dream pistol.
Having stated many times that non-magnifying dot-sights are the most practical sighting system for most handgunning pursuits and scenarios, the GK1 WONDER-PISTOL well demonstrates the reasons for that opinion.
After tuning it for the best power-band at 300-310 BAR fill pressure, I then plotted the best trajectory chart for handgun distances with 18.1 grain JSBs at 930 FPS/35 foot pounds.
When zeroed at 40 yards, trajectory is a non-issue from 10 to 45 yards; as point-of-impact is within 3/8" of point-of-aim at those handgun distances. For perspective, 3/8" falls within the smallest targets any handgunner on Earth will engage with any pistol. Example- a SQUIRREL'S BRAIN!
In fact, the 3 MOA dot obscures roughly the same target area as the gun is capable of always hitting; 3/4" at 25 yards, 1.5" at 50, etcetera. That, and the previous paragraph being so, it was time to explore the dot-sighted GK1's accuracy potentials at the chosen 40 yard zero distance. G-Whiz sighted in beautifully!
From sand-bagged bench-rest three consecutive five-shot groups averaged .83" center-to center in medium left-to-right crosswinds. The first group (in red) printed 1.12", well-centered to point-of-aim. But to move the poi slightly right in response to the crosswinds, I gave the windage turret one click adjustment to the right. The second group (in gray) went right where I wanted it to print (slightly right). After marking that group and having dialed in not only my zero, but my technique and concentration, the third group (in green) landed inside the previous... and measured just 1/2" c-t-c.
Interestingly enough, if not for the windage adjustment all 15 shots would have gone into the original 1.12" group; which translates almost exactly to G-Whiz's accuracy potentials with benefits of 16X magnification. Which brings us to another statement I've made several times; that being dot sights can closely approach actual accuracy potentials IF SHOT AT THE RIGHT TARGET. "The right target" is one that allows the dot to be (seen) well-centered in the aiming spot; aiming spots like properly-sized circles, and squirrels' brain-pans. For all intents and purposes G-Whiz wearing a dot-sight is a handgun hunter's perfect air pistol; a statement I intend to explore beyond small game.
A pack of coyotes has lately been getting all too comfortable on my 30 acre place; so much so as to be making incursions into my back-yard some nights. Suffice to say I'm keeping G-Whiz well charged, fully loaded, and close 'at hand'.
Having stated many times that non-magnifying dot-sights are the most practical sighting system for most handgunning pursuits and scenarios, the GK1 WONDER-PISTOL well demonstrates the reasons for that opinion.
After tuning it for the best power-band at 300-310 BAR fill pressure, I then plotted the best trajectory chart for handgun distances with 18.1 grain JSBs at 930 FPS/35 foot pounds.
In fact, the 3 MOA dot obscures roughly the same target area as the gun is capable of always hitting; 3/4" at 25 yards, 1.5" at 50, etcetera. That, and the previous paragraph being so, it was time to explore the dot-sighted GK1's accuracy potentials at the chosen 40 yard zero distance. G-Whiz sighted in beautifully!
From sand-bagged bench-rest three consecutive five-shot groups averaged .83" center-to center in medium left-to-right crosswinds. The first group (in red) printed 1.12", well-centered to point-of-aim. But to move the poi slightly right in response to the crosswinds, I gave the windage turret one click adjustment to the right. The second group (in gray) went right where I wanted it to print (slightly right). After marking that group and having dialed in not only my zero, but my technique and concentration, the third group (in green) landed inside the previous... and measured just 1/2" c-t-c.
Interestingly enough, if not for the windage adjustment all 15 shots would have gone into the original 1.12" group; which translates almost exactly to G-Whiz's accuracy potentials with benefits of 16X magnification. Which brings us to another statement I've made several times; that being dot sights can closely approach actual accuracy potentials IF SHOT AT THE RIGHT TARGET. "The right target" is one that allows the dot to be (seen) well-centered in the aiming spot; aiming spots like properly-sized circles, and squirrels' brain-pans. For all intents and purposes G-Whiz wearing a dot-sight is a handgun hunter's perfect air pistol; a statement I intend to explore beyond small game.
A pack of coyotes has lately been getting all too comfortable on my 30 acre place; so much so as to be making incursions into my back-yard some nights. Suffice to say I'm keeping G-Whiz well charged, fully loaded, and close 'at hand'.