Evanix Should EVANIX Bring Back FULL-AUTO Rifles? (New Models)

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What's your opinion? Should Evanix come out with some fully-automatic PCP rifles again? Not the same ones, but something new. The ones in this video are 10 years old now. I think they stopped making them due to political reasons surrounding certian events...and now 10 years later people are gushing about a Western Rattler that does 1.5 inch groups at 50 yards on semi auto.... huh??? I think it's time for Evanix to do Full-Auto again.

Here is a close up look at the 9mm GTL480 Select Fire

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They have some very skilled engineers over there and I know you have a direct line of contact.
When the select fires came out that was pretty revolutionary. Instead of re-releasing the same album, let’s see what they can do on some bleeding edge/entirely new tech or just get the fundamentals down completely bulletproof. Give me a PCP that also has a springer mechanism built in and can use either (does this already exist?). Give me a lightweight hunting rifle that collapses down to fit in a backpack and becomes operational in >1min with no tooling required. Create a bolt/lever action that truly cannot double feed. Give me a reg system that is repeatable down to 1psi over 10,000 shots. Or a reg system with no creep over the same number. How about a system that doesn’t leak even after taking some abuse and with changing temperatures. There’s so many things to improve and I think most of what I see are variations of stuff that already existed or incremental improvements and to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with that but Evanix isn’t a 2 person operation and I know they have some real brain power over there so let’s see some cool sh!t. If I had their ear I’d say work on two separate projects:
1. Read through the (recent-ish) thread of everyone’s complaints about PCPs and design something that solves those problems.
2. Create something totally fresh that gives an entirely new shooting experience.

Also, everything they release should be doing 4.5k fill pressure compatible at minimum. One of my big gripes is how anything could be getting released at this point in time with only 200/250 bar or 3.6k fill pressure.
What's your opinion? Should Evanix come out with some fully-automatic PCP rifles again? Not the same ones, but something new. The ones in this video are 10 years old now. I think they stopped making them due to political reasons surrounding certian events...and now 10 years later people are gushing about a Western Rattler that does 1.5 inch groups at 50 yards on semi auto.... huh??? I think it's time for Evanix to do Full-Auto again.

I can’t speak as to the Rattler, but my Sidewinder can shoot 1/2” groups at 50 yards and I’d be surprised if the Rattler can’t do the same as it’s basically just a bigger version of the Sidewinder with a fixed cylinder.

And I’d absolutely like to see more select fire airguns. I don’t agree with the “if we build it they might ban it so let’s not build it”, mindset. The people that want to ban everything will never be satisfied and will ultimately come for toy guns and pocket knives if they think they can get away with it.
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Im always a fan of full auto airguns, so another new offering is a good thing in my opinion.
Evanix has always been know for power.
A simple, SHORT, TRADITIONAL POWERHOUSE .25/.30 offering of some sort would really get my attention.
A short, less than 40", traditional style rifle, that has plenty of Evanix power please!
I agree... But I really want one that looks like an M4 ...they can get a tank in the butt and handguard now! ...and a Plenum in the fake mag like the DRS.

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I don't agree. A fully automatic air gun serves little purpose.
There is a reason why automatic PB rifles are not available, yet semi-automatic rifles are.
The banner's will take note immediately and ban the automatics anyway, just like firearms. Then they will turn to the 'standard' air guns, again, just like firearms.
If you're a hunter or a target shooter, what do you gain with an automatic? That's right, not a thing.

Leave full auto to the BB guns and toy guns

There's no practical reason to have a full auto pellet rifle

Okay, there's one "practical" reason, but that's the same reason that would be the death knell for our hobby

If it was up to me, all airguns would have wood stocks and look "traditional", be that semi-auto or bolt action. You know how it is with some people.
If it was up to me, all airguns would have wood stocks and look "traditional", be that semi-auto or bolt action.
Thank the Gods it's not up to you. I prefer tactical but I'd never say they should ALL be tactical.

And saying there should be no full-auto is just another Vote for Total Gun Control.
*********s have been saying don't do this and don't do that because regulation will come since the beginning.

Stop halting my industry because of your fear.

Guess what, 500 FPE full auto isn't what's going to bring in regulation. Airgun booth's at Shot Show is though.

It's already too late, if you didn't want regulation, don't have Airgun company booths right next to actual fcking firearm booths at Shot Show's and the like.

If you're going to advertise right next to firearm companies, at least have the balls to keep innovating and bring me my 50 round full auto Rattler already.
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When those who wish to ban guns get the opportunity, they'll ban your R7 and your Sheridan in a heartbeat and you won't be able to fly under the radar because they'll be actively looking for such things.

All you need to do is look to what they have done elsewhere. In Western Australia they have actually banned gel blasters. It's who they are.
I’ve been meaning to write a long post doing a massive deep dive on the subject but it’s most likely actually going to be a reclassification of “firearm” as opposed to specifically stating pneumatic powered. Bill 4315 (formerly HD 4420) in MA will likely be the template, it was written due to 3d printed guns. The definition of “firearm” will now be, “Any device intended to expel shot or bullets”.

Whenever people go, “Words/terms don’t matter”, “this is censorship reeeee” it gives me a headache. Legislation is a word game, the law is written. When someone calls a slug a bullet it matters.

The question around full auto is it could certainly bring negative attention, but as someone who grew up in the most anti 2A town in the country I can tell you @silvershooter589 is actually correct in regards to who is generally pushing for this stuff. Black gun shaped thing = war machine. As others have mentioned elsewhere when showing people unfamiliar with the hobby a visible air tank is also helpful in differentiating them, people associate it with super soakers.

I do think the reclassification of firearm will be what does it though. Although it doesn’t help having YouTubers comparing them to pbs. I originally thought it was going to be a group of 14 year old kids throwing together their birthday money to get a cheap big bore and pump then becoming a statistic.
Bad ideas are like ex spouses and significant others. If you are tempted to take another run at it, remember there is a reason they are ex’s.
The full auto air gun appeals to a niche market and the niche is very small. They don’t make them anymore because the market was just not there for them or they would still be making them. If a company can realize a profit they will continue to produce, market and sell any product that isn’t illegal.
No. The only thing full auto airguns are good for is making air gunners look bad and getting new regulations passed.
They should be banned from discussion on the forum.
Well maybe home brew full auto conversions. And yea, reselling even factory built ones is OBVIOUSLY irresponsible. But surely you’re not suggesting that paid banner ads from manufacturers creating these dirty “behind the beaded curtain” devices should be removed, their money returned, and future site support be rejected? You’re not are you? Look, all I’m saying is that virtue signaling for reasons such as pandering, fear mongering, prejudice, or even plain ignorance, should be something embraced and nurtured right up until it impacts the bottom line. Can’t be having your line in the sand obscure THAT line.
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