Huben Slug - Peanut .22 caliber

Huben slug - PEANUT
Caliber: 5.5mm
Weight: 2.16g
Qty/tin: 250pcs

Huben Slug - PEANUT .22.jpg
I'll try them when I can find them. Look interesting. Hope the quality is decent. I don't expect much though from China
JTS and AEA pellets are from China and at the moment are doing much better than JSBs quality and consistency wise it seems. I just ordered more JTS 18.1gr a year apart from my first batch and you can't tell any difference on the pellets and havent had a single bent pellet in a few thousand pellets. JSBs you can order a couple tins from a few places and probably have 3 different skirt styles in those tins with some tins being 25%+ bent skirts.
Yea, a hollow base slug is pretty interesting. I wonder it is soft enough to expand a bit upon firing?
It is to be hoped not, as if it did, it would destroy the entire point of having a boattail. A hollow at the back can also create other problems in a projectile's performance.
They dropped in here, posted a quick advert, and then…………………. 🦗 🦗 🦗

It’s like going to a construction site or an oil well in a food truck, handing out menus to workers without pricing info or a location, and then driving off.

that's a wonderful illustration.
And I'm already getting hungry just reading about it. Poor workers.... 😔
Poor airgunners..... 😔

But we shouldn't be surprised at Huben's behavior.
They are just following the models that the industry provides with such exuberant advertising vocabulary....

Of course, the industry's poster child for announcing projectiles and not delivering is — ......
Ooops, I don't want to risk my AGN membership over this, but the "model" manufacturer in question promised a projectile that is so good it is crowned with holiness, the famous (and yet to be sold) HALO slullet, or pellug, or what have you named it.
Next month that announcement was


So, Huben staff, after having made this post, can now go on vacation. They have another 23 months time before they need to deliver — if the want to shame FX, that is. 😆


PS: It is fun to heap scorn on somebody who has failed in an area where I have had many failures....
Case in point — instead of being on the forum, I should probably finish getting those student grades ready. 🤷🏻‍♂️

The announcement of the slullet holier than thou — HALO:

You can watch its sanctified trajectory through GOD'S scope, the Theos (Greek for "god") 6-36x56 FFP.
(Only if you're holy enough and have enough money, that is.)
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