N/A Great Pcps for under $600

I bought into the pre-order from Wes at Airgun Archery Fun. My 60B with CF bottle was a good bit more than $600 :(

I believe they are finally going to ship out to customers in the next week or 2. I'm anxious to see how it works out for what I ended up having tied up in it.
I would have opted for the tube gun myself …. Yeah it is on the edge of my list budget ….
Beauty rifle.
Maybe my Cayden needs a 177 brother...😁
If you are in the USA, the current Canadian to USD exchange rate is very favorable. The rifle would be $473 in US dollars purchased from this Canadian shop:

my personal choice out of all my collection and it is my go to more accurate than my fx and daystates is my snow peak p35 under 1" at 90yds consistantly and under 500bucks from Krale I also don't think any could go wrong with a notos I love mine and shoot it almost as much as the p35
That’s very cool.

I have both of those and they are very good. p35 = BullShark. I have the BullShark
If you are in the USA, the current Canadian to USD exchange rate is very favorable. The rifle would be $473 in US dollars purchased from this Canadian shop:

I happen to be about 10 mins away from Canadian shooting supplies. Have had great buying experience from them several purchases.
I almost hear it calling my name..:LOL:
My concern would be the 10"s of linkage from the Sidelever to the Action and it's operation.
i dont have an xs but i do have a kral puncher bullpup and once i adjusted for some first stage take up its good to go for me .. the sliding trigger shoe on the trigger post makes for a good feel.
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I really wish some of the heavy hitters in firrarms would get into PCP so the pricea could start coming down. A good PCP is so out of reach for so many. I feel bad letting some of my friends shoot them because they just couldn't really drop that kind of money on one.
However that’s why I wanted a list of well received under 600 dollar air guns. They’re out there