I took these two beauties out for a run in the sun today. Although they are not state of the art anymore, by far, they are still alive and kicking, and loads of fun. 

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I really want one of these. I had a pair years ago and foolishly traded them away. Now you’ll pay a pretty penny to get a clean example. Looks like Modded is the way to go.After posting about a heart-stopping calamity involving my customized S&W 78G in which I managed to turn lemons into lemonade-
I braved 107 degree heat and gusty 20-25 MPH winds to shoot the resurrected victim of my own IMMENSE stupidity. She rewarded her hero/savior/ATTEMPTED MURDERER with her best performance ever.Fantastic custom collectable almost destroyed!
I won't go into detail(s) about how I managed to literally RIP the scope base screws right out of the threaded holes in the alloy top-strap of my customized Smith & Wesson 78G, other than stating ape-level strength🦍 combined with moron-level intelligence🤪 is a bad combination. My first "thought"...www.airgunnation.com
Five consecutive three-shot groups with 14.3 grain JSB Express averaged 1.25" c-t-c at 25 yards. And though not as gnat's-ass accurate as several vintage Crosman Co2 pistols I cherish, the Smith & Wesson is as awesome fun as it is gorgeous.
View attachment 278144
Those look great - what brand, any details?I took these two beauties out for a run in the sun today. Although they are not state of the art anymore, by far, they are still alive and kicking, and loads of fun.
View attachment 475821
The upper one is BRNO Tau-7. Single shot, runs on Co2.Those look great - what brand, any details?
I leave my guns marked up war wounds of life I have scars I have not painted over tooAfter many interruptions and distractions, (mostly unwelcome) I finally got to try out the two new magazines for my Daisy Powerline 44, very kindly sent over the pond by vintageairguncollector@gm.
This now gives me six good mags to allow me to keep blasting away.
Gave the 8" barrel an airing today, the 6" and 4" can wait for another time. Got just over 60 good shots before the gas started fading, the card in the picture was the best of the session, shot at 10m off-hand.
My big conundrum now is whether to leave the chipped paint on the barrels as they are, touch up, or completely strip and re-spray. Any opinions would be appreciated.
View attachment 472677
You can't just leave us with a picture!